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22 Aug 2020, 9:09 am by Paul Caron
Mark Cohen (Legal Mosaic) & Mike Madison (Pittsburgh), Legal Education Faces Its Waterloo As Wile E. [read post]
30 Jan 2007, 4:09 am
The great commentary available online includes observations from Mike Madison and also a pained Siva Vaidhyanathan choosing between two of his great loves, the Longhorns and the public domain. [read post]
25 Oct 2013, 1:19 pm by Michael Keating
The bicyclist was riding his bicycle north on Scoville and attempting to cross Madison Street. [read post]
2 Oct 2007, 3:04 pm
Mike Madison has a post about advice for a new law dean that suggests law schools should emulate business schools and require that a prospective student have a few years of work experience before being admitted. [read post]
24 Jun 2021, 2:29 pm by Howard Bashman
“Former public defender, Zuckerman partner confirmed to 7th Circuit”: Mike Scarcella of Reuters has this report. [read post]
23 May 2007, 10:13 am
Kelly, 31, of Madison has been charged with second degree intentional homicide, police spokesman Mike Hanson said in a news release....A witness at the scene said he saw five guys who were "pretty wasted" on the sidewalk near the City Bar....Anthony Paltz, 20, a UW-Madison pre-pharmacy student who was walking down State Street at the time, described the arrested man as "unkempt" and said he was wearing a kilt. [read post]
27 Jan 2008, 10:31 pm
Mark not surprisingly noted that Mike Madison offers great advice on the topic via links. [read post]
2 Oct 2007, 3:04 pm
Mike Madison has a post about advice for a new law dean that suggests law schools should emulate business schools and require that a prospective student have a few years of work experience before being admitted. [read post]
28 May 2012, 8:01 am by Randy Barnett
 The first is our 1965 New York World’s Fair Concert, which we played at the fair in Flushing Meadows, and also at the Kiwanis International Convention in the old Madison Square Garden. [read post]
12 Oct 2008, 11:48 pm
Prompted by some comments from Mike Madison (Associate Dean for Scholarship, Pitt), we are tossing around the idea of doing a daylong "scholarship retreat" here at Pacific McGeorge. [read post]
9 May 2008, 7:12 am
Helena, CA May 9-10, 2008 Session 1: Papers by Brett Frischmann ("Intellectual Infrastructure and Commons") and Mike Madison ("Constructing Commons in the Cultural Environment: A Theoretical Framework and Research Agenda") Frischmann's book project brings together his work on infrastructure. [read post]
4 Mar 2011, 1:16 pm by Edward A. Fallone
This month’s Best of the Blogs feature takes a look at the budget debate in Madison. [read post]
28 Feb 2014, 2:21 pm by Clay
Film Details, Movie Trailer, and Tickets: After the showing there will be a Q&A session with filmmaker Mike Prendergast, cast member and UW-Madison graduate Heather McCullough, and Madison Bike Winter's Aaron Crandall. [read post]
25 Mar 2015, 2:50 pm by Howard Wasserman
Ron Collins discusses a new book by First Amendment scholar Burt Neuborne, Madison's Music: On Reading the First Amendment. [read post]
6 Mar 2018, 5:50 am by Dan Rodriguez
But thanks to Mike Madison for encouraging us not just to expound, the usual focal point of symposia, but to act, for we in legal education should be ready for action. [read post]
8 Apr 2014, 9:08 am by Rebecca Tushnet
As numerous scholars such as Pam Samuelson, Mike Madison, and Matt Sag have shown, there are strong patterns in fair use cases on which reasonable people can rely. [read post]
8 Apr 2018, 10:56 pm by Dan Rodriguez
Mike Madison's post -- #61 in this series -- is appropriately the last one in this series (though certainly not the final word in this important discussion of our enterprise.). [read post]
8 Apr 2018, 7:59 am by Dan Rodriguez
Surprise I am grateful to Dan Rodriguez for convening and Mike Madison for inspiring this symposium. [read post]