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25 Jun 2024, 12:22 pm by Eugene Volokh
The opinion thus becomes precedent in California, and might prove helpful in cases such as Adams v. [read post]
18 Jun 2024, 5:01 am by Eugene Volokh
Such use of businesses' or people's names for obvious criticism is generally seen as legally permissible, see, e.g., Lamparello v. [read post]
14 Jun 2024, 3:00 am by jonathanturley
The chief target of these efforts lately has been the author of the decision that overturned Roe v. [read post]
11 May 2024, 6:56 am
  INTRODUCTION: LESSONS from Latin America in Countering Authoritarian InformationManipulation// ADAM FIVENSON, SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER, INTERNATIONAL FORUMFOR DEMOCRATIC STUDIES, NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY (EDITOR)Authoritarian governments are escalating their efforts to manipulate theinformation ecosystem globally in order to undermine democratic institutions,advance their own interests, and buttress their autocratic allies In LatinAmerica, where there has been significant… [read post]
9 May 2024, 6:05 am by Adam Klasfeld
” At its core, Weinstein’s case simply applied the long-established rules of the more than century-old case of People v. [read post]
1 May 2024, 8:35 am by Chris Sutton
District Court for the Northern District of Alabama delivered a decision in the case National Small Business United v. [read post]
30 Apr 2024, 10:28 am by admin
Over lunch, Egilman explained to me that he considered himself a Marxist-Leninist, his term, and that the day would come when people like him would have to kill people like me, again his language. [read post]