Search for: "People v. McDonough" Results 61 - 64 of 64
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9 Mar 2007, 12:53 am
OMRDD worker registry Last Act: 02/26/07 referred to mental health LAW / CORRECTNSA5911 Tedisco (MS) -- Requires department of motor vehicles to provide police officers with information on level 3 sex offenders based on license or registration inquiry BLURB : V & T L. level 3 sex offenders Last Act: 02/26/07 referred to transportation LAW / CORRECTNSA5944 McDonough (MS) -- Requires school bus stops not to be located near the residences of sex offenders BLURB… [read post]
30 Apr 2007, 1:28 am
Source: New York Legislative Retrieval System (LRS), April 29, 2007 Categories Included: Corrections Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Judiciary Law and Penal Law. [read post]