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7 May 2009, 6:08 am
As the court stated in McClain:[A]nother methodological problem undermines [the expert's] analogical approach. . . . [read post]
19 May 2021, 5:01 am by Unknown
Curious, I dug up the appellate opinion, U.S. v. [read post]
8 Dec 2007, 7:17 am
The Ohio Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide contains resources within the State of Ohio. [read post]
30 May 2009, 8:05 am
Analysis NOTE: Nearly a quarter-century ago, in Navy Department v. [read post]
25 Aug 2007, 6:08 am
  Thus, extreme care should be taken in evaluating the compliance status of the refineries with New Source Review, Prevention of Significant Deterioration, Title V Permitting, the Clean Air Act and the regulations promulgated under the Act, and similar state statutes and regulations. [read post]
14 May 2012, 8:24 am by Schachtman
Mass. 1997)(occupational epidemiology of benzene exposure and benzene does not inform health effects from vanishingly low exposure to benzene in bottled water) Whiting v. [read post]
18 Feb 2012, 5:49 pm by Tom Goldstein
  Because lower courts are bound to follow this Court’s decisions until they are withdrawn or modified, however, Rodriguez de Quijas v. [read post]
26 Nov 2007, 7:49 am
Box 308 Faribault, MN 55021-0308 Phone: (507) 332-5491 (V/TTY); (800) 657-3936 (V/TTY/Toll Free) DEAF, Inc. 413 Wacouta Street Suite 300 St. [read post]
17 Jan 2011, 6:20 am by Rich Vetstein
Attorney Vetstein handles zoning matters across the state including the Metrowest towns of Framingham, Natick, Wayland, Weston, Ashland, Sudbury, Wellesley, Northborough, Southborough and Westborough. [read post]
24 Dec 2009, 3:28 pm by georgbrem
“This is one more attempt to erase the history of the peoples of the former Soviet Union, including the heroic history, from historical memory,” Prime Minister Vladimir V. [read post]
21 Dec 2007, 7:39 am
Box 7851 Madison, WI 53707-7851 Phone: (608) 266-9329 Web: State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Wisconsin Council on Developmental Disabilities 600 Williamson Street P.O. [read post]
24 Nov 2007, 7:11 am
Family Voices members are paid staff within the Title V agency, providing information and support on health concerns to families around the state. [read post]
7 Apr 2013, 11:53 pm by Gretchen Goetz
By Gretchen Goetz and Helena Bottemiller By March of last year, lean finely textured beef (LFTB) had reached celebrity status under the unfavorable moniker “pink slime. [read post]