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8 Oct 2009, 5:25 pm
" Court Denies Request for Adverse Inference Absent Demonstration that Lost Emails were Favorable to Plaintiff - The blogging lawyers and attorneys at K&L gates on the firm's blog, Electronic Discovery Law Georgia Tort Reform Challenged in State Supreme Court - Atlanta attorney Lisa Siegel of Katz, Stepp & Miller on their Georgia Injury Law Blog Conviction for homicide 35 years ago reversed - Las Vegas lawyer Tami Cowden of Kummer… [read post]
13 Sep 2019, 2:58 am by Walter Olson
Choice between federal and state courts implicates fundamental questions of fairness [Eric Alexander, Drug and Device Law on Supreme Court certiorari petition in Pfizer v. [read post]
7 Jun 2019, 1:18 pm by
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (Ninth Circuit) issued an order in National Family Farm Coalition v. [read post]
  Most of the lawsuits filed by states were initiated by the attorneys general of those states. [read post]
27 Aug 2010, 5:40 pm by Jon
Much discussion of the Wickard v. [read post]
21 Jun 2022, 9:20 pm by News Desk
NCGA and its state organizations work together to create and increase opportunities for corn growers. [read post]
7 Feb 2012, 2:40 am by Milen Hristov
In its decision on the case Johannes Gerrit Cornelis van Schaik v Hoge Raad der Nederlanden  in Para  21 the Court has ruled that: ...Article 4 of the directive further provides that the roadworthiness tests, within the meaning of the directive, are to be carried out by the State or by bodies or establishments designated and directly supervised by the State. [read post]