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11 May 2011, 4:54 am
State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (Kluwer Patent Blog) Spain: Modification of EP translations (2) – Supreme Court grants fourth appeal, filed again by Pfizer: EP0325571 (PatLit) US: Federal Trade Commission issues report on reverse settlement agreements in FY2010 (Patent Docs) (Orange Book Blog) (FDA Law Blog) US: FTC posts friendly reminder to please send them your ANDA litigation settlement agreements (Orange Book Blog) US: Billups-Rothenberg v. [read post]
9 Mar 2023, 2:45 pm
By Chris Holman University of Minnesota v. [read post]
10 Nov 2010, 1:11 am
Becton-Dickinson (Patent Docs) US government intervenes in patentability of genes – AMP v USPTO (Patent Baristas) (Holman’s Biotech IP Blog) (Intellectual Property Law Blog) (Inovia) (BlawgIT) (IP Osgoode) US: BIO and AUTM fire back at gene patent foes – AMP v USPTO (Patent Baristas) (Patent Docs) US: IPO files amicus brief in AMP v USPTO (Patent Docs) (Patent Baristas) US: AIPLA submits amicus brief in AMP v USPTO (Patent Docs) US:… [read post]
20 Dec 2011, 9:16 am
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in Magwood v. [read post]
16 Jul 2012, 9:53 am
Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. [read post]
8 May 2009, 8:00 am
(Property intangible) US: Supreme Court rules 9-0 that CAFC has jurisdiction to review case remanded by district court to state court: Carlsbad Technology Inc v HIF Bio, Inc et al (Managing Intellectual Property) (Patently-O) US: Anticipation by a laundry list of prophetic DNA sequences: In re Gleave (Holman's Biotech IP Blog) US: Reverse payment settlements and biotechnology (Holman's Biotech IP Blog) US: Biogen seeks review and correction of patent… [read post]
13 Jul 2021, 5:51 am
In this study, we examine the impact of the gender discrimination lawsuit Pao v. [read post]
7 Feb 2013, 6:20 am
United States, a challenge to the ban on direct corporate campaign spending in the Federal Campaign Finance Act, and McCutcheon v. [read post]
21 Apr 2023, 9:27 am
By Chris Holman Amgen Inc. v. [read post]
2 May 2008, 9:22 am
Holman v. [read post]
30 Apr 2010, 4:22 pm
In view of Ms W's defence, HHJ Holman decided to sit as a High Court Judge. [read post]
30 Apr 2010, 4:22 pm
In view of Ms W's defence, HHJ Holman decided to sit as a High Court Judge. [read post]
24 Aug 2009, 7:01 am
You can separately subscribe to the IP Think Tank Global Week in Review at the Subscribe page: [] Highlights this week included: US CAFC affirms that patent ownership (and standing) can vest through operation of law: Sky Technologies v SAP AG (Peter Zura's 271 Patent Blog) (Patently-O) (Property, intangible) US CAFC grants en banc request to challenge written description requirement: Ariad v Lilly (Patently-O) (Filewrapper) (Washington… [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 6:10 pm
Highlights this week included: CAFC: Disclosure that merely allows PHOSITA to ‘envision’ the claimed invention fails written description: Goeddel v Sugano (Peter Zura’s 271 Patent Blog) (Patently-O) (Patent Prospector) Evista (Raloxifene) – US: CAFC upholds decision against Teva: Eli Lilly & Co v Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc (Patent Docs) (The IP Factor) Aranesp (Darbepoetin) – EU: ECJ says ‘no’ to Kirin Amgen, ‘yes’ to… [read post]
12 Aug 2011, 9:45 am
In the recent decision in the Myriad a gene patent case (AMP v. [read post]
6 Jul 2010, 6:03 pm
(Patent Docs) (Holman’s Biotech IP Blog) US: AMP v USPTO after Bilski v Kappos (Patent Docs) US: NORD Chair/HP&M Director presents opening testimony at first ever FDA orphan drug hearing (FDA Law Blog) US: Celsis files patent infringement complaint against CellzDirect and Invitrogen over pooled multi-cryopreserved hepatocyte products (Patent Docs) Products Astelin (Azelastine) – US: Zydus admits infringing Meda’s Astelin patent, agrees not to… [read post]
7 Jul 2010, 5:14 am
(Patent Docs) (Holman's Biotech IP Blog) US: AMP v USPTO after Bilski v Kappos (Patent Docs) US: NORD Chair/HP&M Director presents opening testimony at first ever FDA orphan drug hearing (FDA Law Blog) US: Celsis files patent infringement complaint against CellzDirect and Invitrogen over pooled multi-cryopreserved hepatocyte products (Patent Docs) Products Astelin (Azelastine) – US: Zydus admits infringing Meda’s Astelin patent, agrees not to… [read post]
18 Nov 2009, 4:57 am
(Property, intangible) US: How do you solve a problem like Sidewiki (FDA Law Blog) US: Bio Podcast: The role of patents in a pathway for the approval of biosimilars (Holman's Biotech IP Blog) US: Lilly files principal brief for Ariad v Lilly rehearing en banc - Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. [read post]
18 Nov 2009, 4:57 am
(Property, intangible) US: How do you solve a problem like Sidewiki (FDA Law Blog) US: Bio Podcast: The role of patents in a pathway for the approval of biosimilars (Holman's Biotech IP Blog) US: Lilly files principal brief for Ariad v Lilly rehearing en banc - Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. [read post]
18 Nov 2009, 4:57 am
(Property, intangible) US: How do you solve a problem like Sidewiki (FDA Law Blog) US: Bio Podcast: The role of patents in a pathway for the approval of biosimilars (Holman's Biotech IP Blog) US: Lilly files principal brief for Ariad v Lilly rehearing en banc - Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. [read post]