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17 Mar 2013, 4:46 am by Alfred Brophy
Timothy Lovelace of Indiana University; Pap NDiaye of  L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales; Melissa Nobles of  MIT; Margaret Urban Walker, of Marquette University; and Verna Williams of the University of Cincinnati. [read post]
7 Sep 2024, 8:14 am by Eric Goldman
FN: Some other European examples: Peter Fleischer et al (Google/Italy) Timothy Koogle (Yahoo/France) BONUS: Selected other examples of criminal proceedings against Internet executives related to UGC (this list is hardly comprehensive): Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road/USA) Backpage Executive Team (multiple prosecutions/USA) Kim Dotcom (Mega/USA) Avnish Bajaj (Baazee-eBay/India) Fabio José Silva Coelho and Edmundo Luiz Pinto Balthazar (Google/Brazil). [read post]
30 Nov 2007, 2:31 am
Timothy Bryant, No. 95,945 (Wyandotte)Direct appeal; Felony murderB. [read post]
13 Nov 2015, 3:48 am by Amy Howe
” In commentary at CNS News, Lynn Wardle discusses (and criticizes) comments by Justice Anthony Kennedy suggesting that Kim Davis should resign. [read post]
14 Feb 2024, 4:53 pm by Yosi Yahoudai
He was identified as Timothy Jaymes Wood, 34, who is believed to be homeless. [read post]
1 Feb 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
Thank you Thomas [Kim] for that lovely introduction and I’m very pleased to be here at the Securities Regulation Institute giving the Alan B. [read post]
17 May 2016, 3:59 am by Amy Howe
  Commentary comes from Greg Lipper at the Bill of Health Blog, Cristian Farias at The Huffington Post, Irin Carmon at MSNBC, Howard Wasserman at PrawfsBlawg, and Timothy Verrall and Hera Arsen at the Ogletree Deakins blog. [read post]
8 Oct 2023, 7:00 am by Gene Takagi
– White Paper: A Shock to the Status Quo: Characteristics of Nonprofits That Make Strategic Decisions During a Crisis (Mirae Kim and Diana P. [read post]
14 Jul 2011, 9:24 am by Laurie Lin
Congratulations, Team Smith-Cotton.Honorable Mention: Laura Blinkhorn and Daniel Ryan (Northwestern) Christina Franklin and Steven Gersh (Loyola) Marc Hurel and Steven Perry (NYU, DLA Piper) Ehi Oviasu and Daniel Kahn (2, Columbia) Elizabeth Kim and John Connorton III (UPenn, Reed Smith)The Rest: Angela Hurdle and AdeRotimi Sijuwade (NYU) Dawn Meyer and Christian Keeney (2, Villanova) Allison Maimona and Stephen DeVito (Fordham) Susannah Pollack and Benjamin Marsh (UPenn) Sandra Coudert and… [read post]
18 May 2016, 6:10 am by Amy Howe
Briefly: At ImmigrationProf Blog, Timothy Dugdale discusses two cert. petitions involving the plenary power doctrine. [read post]
23 Apr 2008, 11:25 am
  Armen’s classic paper with Harold Demsetz (AER, 1972) remains influential in the theory of the firm literature and is listed as the 12th most important paper in economics since 1970 by Kim et al. [read post]
5 Dec 2007, 2:40 am
Reading Timothy Johnson's Carpe Factum, I ran across the latest accolade, Troy Worman's O! [read post]
31 Mar 2012, 8:17 pm
Kim Nazarek, formerly with Questar Capital Corporation, Inc., in Santa Rosa, California, was fined $25,000 and suspended from association with any FINRA member in any capacity for one year in association with findings that he conducted a number of retirement seminars without prior approval that contained false and misleading statements. [read post]
6 Dec 2007, 2:54 am
Reading Timothy Johnson's Carpe Factum, I ran across the latest accolade, Troy Worman's O! [read post]
28 Aug 2012, 6:28 am by Josh Sturtevant
Senator Marco Rubio (FL)Remarks by presidential nominee Mitt RomneyBenediction by Archbishop Timothy M. [read post]
3 Nov 2016, 5:04 am by SHG
In October, a consortium of Bronx politicians sent a letter to Timothy D. [read post]
21 Sep 2024, 5:00 pm by Thaddeus Mason Pope, JD, PhD
”Kate Luenprakansit, “Medical decision making for unrepresented hospitalized patients in the transitions of care”Patrick Herron, “Surrogate decision-making in the aftermath of intra-family violence”In the Little Theater: Panel DiscussionJennifer Kingsley, Pierce Randall, Daniel Kim, and Xiang Yu, “Does the Glove Fit? [read post]