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18 Sep 2007, 9:40 am
Carroll, in a recent interview with Tom Engelhardt of the Nation Institute, talked about his experiences working on a documentary version of the […] [read post]
23 Mar 2016, 4:05 am by Howard Friedman
A lawsuit was filed in a New Jersey federal district court yesterday by the Chabad Jewish Center of Toms River, New Jersey and Rabbi Moshe Gourarie. [read post]
24 Feb 2010, 6:40 am by Howard Friedman
Mark Sanford, Nevada Senator John Ensign, Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, and Mississippi Representative Charles W. [read post]
15 Aug 2011, 11:44 am by Sandhya Bathija
Looks like El Paso’s political pastor Tom Brown may be in a lot more trouble than he thought. [read post]
19 Feb 2012, 2:39 pm by Rick Hasen
Joshua Spivak: “The El Paso Times has a link to the decision in the El Paso Mayoral recall as well as a story noting that the recall proponents (most prominently Pastor Tom Brown and the World of Life Church) may be on the hook for the $250,000 that Mayor John Cook has spent fighting the recall (though the story is very speculative —  as far as I’m aware court costs generally do not cover legal fees).” [read post]
4 Dec 2020, 2:12 pm by Howard Bashman
And Tom Gjelten of NPR has an audio segment titled “NIH Director Tells Churches To Do The ‘Altruistic, Loving Thing’ And Stay Closed. [read post]
9 Apr 2009, 2:26 am
Rodriguez to one count each of mail and wire fraud for his role in operating two ponzi schemes upon members of a Toms River church which resulted in total losses of more than $1 million. [read post]
16 Aug 2011, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
In El Paso, Texas, Pastor Tom Brown and his Word of Life Church are under investigation by El Paso County district attorney Jaime Esparza for violation of state election laws. [read post]
1 May 2015, 1:28 pm by Associated Press
Prosecutors say Cook was drunk and texting when she fatally struck 41-year-old Tom Palermo on his bicycle. [read post]
16 Jun 2009, 12:05 am
Friedman, who has been a longstanding critic of the Church of Scientology, claims that Fox fired him in order to get actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta-- both adherents of Scientology-- to sign onto future movie projects. [read post]
10 Jul 2009, 12:25 pm
… In fact … Monighan testified that AMSL was always intended to be ‘independent’ of Church governance. [read post]
24 Nov 2014, 9:45 am by Howard Friedman
Internal Revenue Service, (D DC, filed 11/6/2014), says that so far the IRS has failed to comply with Judicial Watch's request for these records.Commenting on the filing of the lawsuit, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said:As expressed by the First Amendment, Americans have the God-given right to both express their religious views and to engage in the political process. [read post]
26 Jun 2023, 11:02 pm by David Pocklington
On Tuesday 11 July 2023, the General Synod of the Church of England is scheduled to discuss the Diocesan Synod Motion proposed by The Revd Dr Tom Woolford (Blackburn): “That this Synod call on the Archbishops’ Council to introduce an order to amend the Parochial Fees and Scheduled Matters Amending Order 2019 so that the fees relating to marriages are set at nil or at a minimal amount in order to demonstrate the Church’s commitment to marriage and pastoral… [read post]