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27 Apr 2015, 8:52 am by Michael Waterstone
I was fortunate to spend several years at Munger Tolles & Olson, a firm in Los Angeles (along with Tung Yin, a fellow Prawfsblawg guest blogger). [read post]
1 Apr 2015, 3:59 am by Howard Wasserman
And welcome to our April slate of visitors--Carissa Hessick (Utah), Tung Yin (Lewis & Clark), Amy Landers (Drexel), Brian Galle (BC, headed for Georgetown), Michael Waterstone (SouthwesternLoyola-LA, still visiting at Northwestern), Jan OseiTutu (my FIU colleague), and Deborah Kopald (PubMed). [read post]
8 May 2007, 7:35 pm
  Taking time away from the best TV show coverage by a law professor, Tung Yin has written a short review of the book It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Case and the Lives It Shattered. [read post]
2 Sep 2012, 7:30 am
That's the sort of thing lawprof Tung Yin is seeing on Facebook. [read post]
1 Feb 2011, 2:10 pm
Tung Yin, Lewis & Clark Law School, has published Through a Screen Darkly: Hollywood as a Measure of Discrimination Against Arabs and Muslims, in volume 2 of the Duke Forum for Law and Social Change (2010), which was presented at a symposium at Duke Law School on "The New Face of Discrimination: Muslim in America. [read post]
21 Jan 2011, 6:38 pm by Steve Bainbridge
Tung Yin: I went to my hospital today to have my eyes dilated as part of the vision checkup. [read post]
1 Dec 2007, 3:51 pm
Many thanks to our guest bloggers from the last month(s), including Eduardo Penalver, Rob Kar, Tommy Crocker, Tung Yin, and Howard Wasserman. [read post]
31 Aug 2006, 9:01 pm
Joining him in the next few days and weeks we have repeat visits from Tung Yin (Iowa), Dave Fagundes (UChi. [read post]
31 Aug 2006, 9:01 pm
Joining him in the next few days and weeks we have repeat visits from Tung Yin (Iowa), Dave Fagundes (UChi. [read post]
7 Sep 2006, 11:57 am
Although it has been available in print for over a month now, I've neglected thus far to note the July 2006 issue of the ABA's National Security Law Report, ably edited by our current guest Bobby Chesney, which includes an interesting piece by (also our current guest) Tung Yin on the Padilla case, excerpts of an important speech by Dr. [read post]
18 Jun 2017, 11:22 pm by Jeff Gamso
 Michelle Carter was just convicted of involuntary manslaughter for sending her boyfriend, Conrad Roy III, text messages urging him to kill himself - which he did.In the Washington Post, Tung Yin has an op-ed discussing the difficulty of determining when a killing is terrorism rather than murder. [read post]
30 Sep 2011, 4:23 pm by almaraz
Louisiana State University Professor Emeritus John Baker will be debating our own Professor Tung Yin regarding over-criminalization in what looks to be an intriguing event. [read post]
6 Feb 2012, 4:51 pm by almaraz
Panel: Philip Scott Cannon Mathias Cannon Aliza Kaplan Tung Yin Co-sponsored by Lewis & Clark ACLU Student Group, National Lawyers Guild, and Criminal Law Society. [read post]
16 Nov 2007, 5:33 am
Rev. 1135 (2006) and one by Christine (with Tung Yin of Iowa and The Yin Blog) entitled, Blogging While Untenured and Other Extreme Sports, 84 Wash. [read post]
14 Aug 2006, 7:32 am
Bloggership: How Blogs Are Transforming Legal Scholarship April 28, 2006 The Many Faces of Law Professor Blogs Papers Larry Ribstein (Illinois; Ideoblog): The Public Face of Scholarship Ann Althouse (Wisconsin; Althouse): Why a Narrowly Defined Legal Scholarship Blog Is Not What I Want: An Argument in Pseudo-Blog Form Christine Hurt (Illinois; Conglomerate) & Tung Yin (Iowa; The Yin Blog): Blogging While Untenured and Other Extreme Sports Commentators Howard Bashman… [read post]
1 Nov 2007, 8:16 am
With the beginning of the month, I'm pleased to welcome some friendly new voices to Prawfs: Eduardo Penalver (Cornell), Howard Wasserman (visiting at SLU from FIU), Tommy Crocker (USCarolina), and Joe Kennedy (UNC); I'm also grateful that Tung Yin from Iowa is returning for November. [read post]
17 Mar 2010, 4:19 pm by almaraz
Student Group Speaker Series Obama’s Turn on National Security March 15, 2010 Federalist Society In this podcast, Lewis & Clark Law School professor Tung Yin and William Mitchell College of Law Professor Afsheen John Radsan debate about national security. [read post]
20 May 2011, 1:01 pm by Tung Yin
Tung Yin: "Whether this is nefarious or simply innocuous, they happen to start talking about the case, they might end up confirming their testimony. [read post]
13 Sep 2010, 2:18 pm by David Lat & Elie Mystal
Quite possibly, according to Professor Tung Yin. [read post]