Search for: "Uber Technologies, Inc." Results 61 - 80 of 458
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2 Jun 2017, 7:20 am by Beth Graham
  In her scholarly paper, Professor Gross examines federal court opinions related to challenges over the pre-dispute arbitration clause used by mobile transportation application company Uber Technologies, Inc. [read post]
30 Apr 2018, 7:52 am by Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
The modifications are based on the fact that Uber failed to notify the FTC of a November 2016 breach, which took place during the time that the FTC was investigating an earlier, 2014 Uber breach. [read post]
19 Jun 2015, 2:15 pm by Gail Cecchettini Whaley
The Labor Commissioner noted that Uber: Obtains the clients in need of the service and provides the workers to conduct it Screens prospective drivers Controls the tools the drivers use: cars must be registered with Uber and no more than 10 years old Monitors drivers’ approval ratings and terminates their access to the Uber app if ratings fall below a specific level Controls the price for the trip and service fees; Uber alone can negotiate cancellation fees… [read post]
9 Apr 2014, 8:31 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Uber Technologies, Inc., 2014 WL 1338148 No. 13–10769 (D. [read post]
5 Jan 2020, 7:45 am by Nassiri Law
Written as a means of codifying the California Supreme Court’s 2018 ruling in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. [read post]
19 Jun 2015, 2:15 pm by Gail Cecchettini Whaley
The Labor Commissioner noted that Uber: Obtains the clients in need of the service and provides the workers to conduct it Screens prospective drivers Controls the tools the drivers use: cars must be registered with Uber and no more than 10 years old Monitors drivers’ approval ratings and terminates their access to the Uber app if ratings fall below a specific level Controls the price for the trip and service fees; Uber alone can negotiate cancellation fees… [read post]