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1 Feb 2016, 4:05 am by Howard Friedman
Burns, Judicial Corporal Punishment in the United States? [read post]
15 Apr 2019, 6:24 am by Second Circuit Civil Rights Blog
They do know it yet, but some day, perhaps later this year, they will all convene at the United States Courthouse in lower Manhattan go decide whether Blair Davis-Garett was retaliated against by Urban Outfitters for complaining about age discrimination.The case is Davis-Garret v. [read post]
19 Apr 2016, 6:44 pm by New York Criminal Defense
Several United States Courts of Appeals have held that  "a defendant can open the door to the admission of evidence otherwise barred by the Confrontation Clause" (cites omitted). [read post]
28 Jul 2024, 1:15 pm by Blair & Kim, PLLC
  Contact Blair & Kim, PLLC, at (206) 622-6562 to set up a consultation. [read post]
25 Feb 2010, 12:14 am by charonqc
During their final two-hour confrontation on the issue, the book states that Mr Brown asked Mr Blair: “Who do you think is better than me? [read post]
28 Nov 2018, 2:01 pm by Amy Howe
Wyoming (Jan. 8): Validity of 1868 treaty giving Crow Tribe of Indians the right to hunt on the “unoccupied lands of the United States” Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp. v. [read post]
5 Apr 2019, 6:00 am by Brian Gallini
The United States Supreme Court is expected to conference on Charles Rhines’s petition for certiorari on April 12, 2019. [read post]
23 Feb 2010, 1:06 pm by gstasiewicz
All versions, however, conclude: "One of the gains to detaining the additional terrorists has been the thwarting of a number of al-Qa'ida operations in the United States and overseas. [read post]
19 Apr 2016, 6:44 pm by Brian Shiffrin
Several United States Courts of Appeals have held that  "a defendant can open the door to the admission of evidence otherwise barred by the Confrontation Clause" (cites omitted). [read post]
The City of New Orleans, Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, L.L.P, and United Governmental Services of Louisiana, Inc., No. 19-2497, 2019 WL 3283138, 2019 WL 3291014 (E.D. [read post]
The City of New Orleans, Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, L.L.P, and United Governmental Services of Louisiana, Inc., No. 19-2497, 2019 WL 3283138, 2019 WL 3291014 (E.D. [read post]