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10 Jun 2008, 12:32 am
The estate of Danielle Tarsook, the daughter of a Beverly, Massachusetts retired police officer, is suing three Beverly cops for $10 million. [read post]
24 Jun 2011, 11:57 am by Patti Spencer
During her life, Isabel executed five wills and several trusts all through her local lawyer, Richard Stevens. [read post]
27 Oct 2020, 6:17 am by Richard Worsfold
Richard Worsfold is a Partner, and Reshma Kishnani a Senior Litigation Associate at Mills & Mills LLP, a full-service law firm. [read post]
19 Apr 2013, 12:44 pm by Rich Vetstein
An Overview of Massachusetts Real Estate Disclosure Law Real Estate Fear Factor: Dealing With Stigmatized Property [read post]
16 Jan 2019, 7:31 am by Jacob Roberts
The esteemed panel knew it was in for an unconventional night of jurisprudence when, just a few sentences into her spiel, counsel representing the estate of the Duke of Buckingham referred to King Richard III as “Individual Number One. [read post]
12 Mar 2010, 6:34 am by Richard D. Vetstein, Esq.
All real estate professionals are welcome: Realtors, mortgage professionals, appraisers, home inspectors, attorneys, etc. [read post]
5 Aug 2014, 8:41 am by Jonathan Bailey
Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday. 1: In ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Rights Dispute, Conan Doyle Estate Slammed Again First off today, Eriq Gardner at The Hollywood Reporter Esquire reports that the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner has filed a follow up to his earlier opinion on the character of Sherlock Holmes and has come down even harder on the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle estate, ordering it to pay more than $30,000 in legal fees and likening its… [read post]
5 Aug 2014, 8:41 am by Jonathan Bailey
Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday. 1: In ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Rights Dispute, Conan Doyle Estate Slammed Again First off today, Eriq Gardner at The Hollywood Reporter Esquire reports that the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner has filed a follow up to his earlier opinion on the character of Sherlock Holmes and has come down even harder on the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle estate, ordering it to pay more than $30,000 in legal fees and likening its… [read post]
8 Aug 2011, 5:57 am by Eva Rosenberg
Learn the laws and limits relating to gift taxes - and estate taxes. [read post]
23 Apr 2023, 2:54 pm
  Establishment of the Trust In August 2004, the settlors created the Richard J. [read post]
20 Aug 2020, 2:13 am
Richard Lyford - Appellate Practice, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Litigation - Land Use and Zoning, Litigation - Real Estate, and Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants (10 years) Richard A. [read post]
1 Jan 2012, 3:14 pm by Michael Kline
The Order of Judge Richard Smoak in a recent Federal District Court case (Opis Management, LLC, et. al. v. [read post]
9 May 2024, 6:32 am by ESQ.title
Jordan, Esq. is the Chair of the ESQ.title | Real Estate Law’s Residential and Commercial Real Estate Closing/Title Insurance Group, with over two decades of experience in the business of real estate closings, finance, and development. [read post]