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6 Jan 2024, 6:00 am by Meghan Conroy
”Expert Statement Kellie Carter Jackson (Michael and Denise Kellen ‘68 Associate Professor of Africana Studies, Wellesley College) “Understanding the Historical Context for White Supremacist Violence in America in Tandem with the Events of January 6, 2021”Expert Statement Chicago Project on Security & Threats*Robert Pape (Director, Chicago Project on Security and Threats), Keven Ruby (Senior Research Director, Chicago Project on Security and Threats) and Kyle… [read post]
18 Dec 2015, 6:17 am by Jim Sedor
Broke Law with Social Media Push for Water Rule, Auditor Finds New York Times – Eric Lipton and Michael Shea | Published: 12/14/2015 Congressional auditors say the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) broke the law on multiple occasions with “covert propaganda” in support of a controversial regulation that gives the agency power over smaller streams of water. [read post]
11 Jan 2008, 12:41 am
Senter issued an order affirming Magistrate Judge Walker’s order permitting Scruggs’s deposition in that Hurricane Katrina case. [read post]
11 Jan 2012, 8:00 am by Rob Robinson
| Ball in your Court - (Craig Ball) Judge Tries To Moot 'Profound' eDiscovery Dispute, Parties Say No - (Alison Frankel) Keeping It Together – Tracking Tasks and Decisions Related to eDiscovery - (Michelle Kovitch) Lessons Learned for 2012: Spotlighting the Top eDiscovery Cases from 2011 - (Philip Favro) Metadata: Complying with Oregon Formal Opinion 2011-187 - (Beverly Michaelis) New Year, New Development On Old… [read post]
4 Feb 2024, 4:40 pm by INFORRM
The Claimants Michael Turner and Nikki Sanderson have sought permission to appeal the damages they were awarded. [read post]
23 Oct 2015, 6:26 am by Jim Sedor
Arkansas – Ex-Arkansas Senate Head Got $120K from GroupArkansas Business – Claudia Lauer (Associated Press) | Published: 10/21/2015 The Arkansas Faith and Freedom Coalition paid Michael Lamoureux’s law firm $120,000 for “consulting” services in 2013, when Lamoureux was the Arkansas Senate president pro tempore. [read post]
17 Oct 2014, 6:16 am by Jim Sedor
” North Carolina – Former Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon Sentenced to 44 Months in Federal Prison Charlotte Observer – Mark Washburn, Michael Gordon, Ames Alexander, and Rick Rothacker | Published: 10/14/2014 Former Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon was sentenced to 44 months in prison after admitting to using his public positions in North Carolina’s largest city for personal financial gain, including taking at least $50,000 in bribes. [read post]
16 May 2012, 7:37 am by Rob Robinson (Philip Favro) Updated: 10 Years of eDiscovery Mergers, Acquisitions and Investments - (@ComplexD) Reports and Resources Google: First Amendment Protection For Search Engine Results (PDF) (Eugene Volokh, Donald Falk) Introduction to Statistical Sampling in Electronic Discovery - (Apersee) LinkedIn Financial Advisor Survey: Trends and Opportunities - (Tim Walker)… [read post]
16 Jan 2012, 9:47 am by Candace Cathey
handle=hein.journals/ylr98&collection=journals&id=1017 Klarman, Michael J. [read post]
10 Feb 2020, 8:59 am by Rebecca Tushnet
A lot of fair use determinations now are made by non-judges (individual users) [I agree with that].Rob Walker: a new transformative use won’t be in your dataset from prior transformative uses. [read post]
12 Jun 2018, 4:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
  (Appeal of Walker, et al., 53 Ed Dept Rep, Decision No. 16,609; Appeals of Giardina and Carbone, 43 id. 395, Decision No. 15,030; Appeal of Gilmore and Jordon-Thompson, 42 id. 334, Decision No. 14,874). [read post]
23 Mar 2015, 10:41 am by Camilla Alexandra Hrdy
As Michael Carrier has documented, the mere existence of a patent, regardless of validity, justified any payment. [read post]
2 May 2016, 9:20 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
 Jeff Walker, Sony Music: Broad safe haven for non-passive entertainment platforms to offer content to consumers. [read post]
3 Dec 2020, 8:30 pm by Jim Sedor
Hart has indicated she intends to challenge the result. 2,596 Trades in One Term: Inside Senator Perdue’s stock portfolio New York Times – Stephanie Saul, Kate Kelly, and Michael LaForgia | Published: 12/2/2020 Along with U.S. [read post]
23 May 2012, 5:52 am by Rob Robinson (Peter Vogel) Big Data Troves Stay Forbidden to Social Scientists - (John Markoff) Business World Gets a New Way to Monitor Employee Text Messages - (Jon Brodkin) Corporate Boards Still In the Dark About Cybersecurity - (Catherine Dunn) Corporate Social Media: Marketing Opportunities, IP Challenges - (Jeanne Hamburg) Cost Not the Main Driver for Cloud Adoption… [read post]
30 Jul 2023, 11:24 am by Ryan Goodman
United States, 99 F.2d 864, 866 (8th Cir. 1938); Walker v. [read post]
20 Apr 2010, 2:37 pm by Adam Thierer
 David Walker Howe, author of the magisterial history, What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848, details the history of the Postal Service in the early Republic and its central importance (until the invention of the telegraph) as the country’s primary information distribution system. [read post]