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23 Sep 2022, 4:30 am by Michael C. Dorf
It provides in relevant part: "The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by . . . citizens or subjects of any foreign state. [read post]
24 Apr 2018, 7:00 am by Jonathan H. Adler
In Kiobel, the Court held there was no jurisidiction over claims where all of the alleged relevant conduct occurred outside of the United States. [read post]
29 Jan 2016, 6:52 am
  You can, if you are interested, read more about habeas procedure in the United States in the article you can find here. [read post]
9 Oct 2013, 1:14 pm by Jason Shinn
Instead, in 1998, the United States Supreme Court confirmed that the main federal anti-discrimination law (Title VII, 42 U.S.C. [read post]
30 Nov 2018, 3:33 pm by Nicole Muller
Ramirez, a majority of the minority population in the United States is stripped of their right to vote. [read post]
15 Sep 2022, 9:01 pm by Austin Sarat
Wade, which I believe was one of the largest power grabs in the history of the Court, it means that every state will decide if abortion is legal and on what terms…That, in my view, is the most constitutionally sound way of dealing with this issue and the way the United States handled the issue until 1973. [read post]
10 Nov 2011, 3:35 am by Russ Bensing
  Last year, in State v. [read post]
23 Jul 2011, 5:00 am by Gregory Dell
Sun Life and Health Insurance Company et. al) and the other in the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina, Spartanburg Division (Duane Easler v. [read post]
11 Mar 2024, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
  If one compares the United States Constitution with the fifty state constitutions, let alone most modern foreign constitutions, it is easily the least democratic constitution in the mix. [read post]