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7 Jun 2013, 6:00 am
If so, you may be able to recapture the time you spent outside of the U.S. in a recapture/extension petition. [read post]
22 Feb 2013, 1:31 pm by WIMS
Although we hope the court will resolve the E15 problem, we also believe our experience here represents only one of many underlying problems with the Renewable Fuel Standard, so we are calling on Congress to repeal the program." [read post]
7 Jan 2011, 8:43 pm
To the contrary, the Petition seeks to invalidate one of the trustors’ most important decisions and provisions—an article designating who will serve as successor trustee—even before the successor trustee has ever so served. [read post]
11 Feb 2015, 6:30 am
Button, the Iowa Supreme Court upheld a conviction under section 708.7, but only did so on the grounds that the defendant's conduct was an unprotected true threat. [read post]
30 Jun 2016, 4:47 am
Federal and State Case LawNot So Fast On MARATHON MONDAY: The BAA, the TTAB, and Lanham Act Section 2(a)Other: TTAB Posts July 2016 Hearing ScheduleUSPTO Proposes Changes in Section 8 Affidavit/Declaration RequirementsUSPTO Proposes Increased TTAB Fees, And Some New OnesTTAB Posts June 2016 Hearing ScheduleTTAB Posts May 2016 Hearing ScheduleUSPTO Seeks Applications for TTAB Administrative Trademark JudgeMeet the Bloggers XII: Monday, May 23rd, 8 PM, Kings BowlUSPTO Proposes Major TTAB… [read post]
27 Jan 2013, 5:01 pm by oliver randl
[…]The petition for review is rejected as clearly unallowable. [read post]
8 Dec 2013, 10:34 am
Accordingly, as the defendant has been a registered Level Two sex offender for a period of less than 6 years, Correction Law §168-o(1) precludes the Court from relieving him of his continuing duty to register under SORA until he has been so registered for an additional twenty-four year period. [read post]
17 Jun 2015, 4:30 am
May 19, 2015), is a Lanham Act/unfair competition case, but it makes a respectful nod in the direction of one of our favorite Supreme Court cases, Buckman, so we will make a respectful nod in its direction today. [read post]
7 Aug 2015, 6:00 am
You should contact our office so that we may discuss all of the circumstances of your case. [read post]
7 Feb 2024, 12:16 pm by
If the agency fails to do so, the groups will file a lawsuit in federal district court. [read post]
17 May 2014, 7:49 am by Andrew Delaney
This is a case that the SCOV can review on its own motion, and it chooses to do so. [read post]
13 Jun 2014, 5:00 am
In July, 2011 we posted about the post-Sorrell citizen petition that seven major drug companies filed with the FDA concerning the Agency’s restrictions on truthful off-label promotion..On June 6, 2014, the FDA “granted” the petition. [read post]
3 Jul 2013, 11:00 am by Shouvik Kumar Guha
Similar, the WEBSTER dictionary defines it as “anything that takes first place in competition and who defeated in a competition or a series of competition so as to hold his place”. [read post]
16 Jun 2016, 11:27 am
Endsley believes that he's now better, so he files a petition for a judicial declaration of the restoration of his sanity. [read post]
21 Jan 2014, 11:16 am by Frank Pipitone
All assets must be listed on your bankruptcy petition and valued appropriately in the documents. [read post]
18 May 2014, 6:32 pm
The movant's petition therein was dismissed, and properly so, upon the grounds that he lacked status having no pecuniary or other interest in that estate. [read post]