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1 Oct 2015, 8:00 am by Dan Ernst
Moore, I want to argue, is an under-appreciated gateway, points to a notably profound and sober passage back and forth across a longer, accumulating run of pronouncements and possibilities within American constitutional law “writ large” (borrowing Larry Tribe’s apt phrase).Moore addressed events in Phillips County, Arkansas, beginning in 1919 -- the “Elaine Massacre,” white killings of African American tenant farmers and their families consequent to a union… [read post]
22 Jun 2022, 9:23 am
"From "Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen: Reflections on Sixty and Beyond" by Larry McMurtry (published in 2001). [read post]
5 Sep 2018, 9:30 pm by ernst
However, the two core dogmas of contemporary originalism, which Larry Solum has described as 1) the fixation thesis and 2) the constraint principle, were rarely relevant to the Marshall Court’s inquiries. [read post]
22 Aug 2016, 11:38 am
(Pix © Larry Catá Backer 2016)The European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) is an international scientific non-profit association providing .a forum for debate and dialogue between academics, legislators and practitioners, focusing on major corporate governance issues and thereby promoting best practice. [read post]
7 Oct 2021, 1:00 am by CAFE
He also answers questions about the DOJ’s announcement that it is reviewing its decision not to prosecute the FBI agents who mishandled the investigation into the disgraced USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, and the recent Facebook outage. [read post]
2 Aug 2023, 8:00 am
District Court of New Mexico.After several years of litigation, including an appeal to the Tenth Circuit, the EEOC recently announced a settlement, wherein hotel ownership would pay some $87,000 in compensatory damages to those that were aggrieved by the misconduct.In a written statement announcing the resolution, Mary Jo O’Neill, regional attorney for the EEOC’s Phoenix District Office noted that, “Former owner Larry Whitten used offensive slurs such as… [read post]
24 Feb 2014, 6:39 pm
(Pix (c) Larry Catá Backer 2014)Wang explains:In the wake of the once-in-a-decade leadership transition in China at the end of 2012, there has been considerable amount of attention paid to issues of constitutional integrity and reforms. [read post]
26 Feb 2013, 6:45 am by Jim Walker
A naval architect, Larrie Ferreiro, is quoted in the newspaper explaining that a cruise line can design the ships either to put more equipment or more people on it: “The more passenger cabins you can fit into that envelope the more revenue you can get." [read post]
7 Jan 2014, 7:44 am
On December 12, the Mississippi Supreme Court overruled a trial judge's decision to throw out a $3.85 million judgment in favor of the plaintiffs, the family of Larry Smith. [read post]
4 Feb 2015, 2:53 pm by Gritsforbreakfast
Jim Murphy now chairs House Corrections and Larry Phillips has Homeland Security and Public Safety. [read post]
15 Nov 2013, 1:09 pm
Those interviewed in the article included McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP Partner Elizabeth Ferrell, Lateral Link Group LLC Principal Larry Latourette, Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) Personal Finances Researcher Dan Auble, CRP Research Director Sarah Bryner, George Washington University Law School Assistant Dean for Field Placement Jessica Tillipman, and yours truly. [read post]
4 Apr 2023, 1:14 pm
• Statewide, 10 percent of Court of Appeal majority opinions were published.For civil appeals (fig. 33), the top 5 fastest courts are 2/6, 4/1, 4/3, 1/4, and 1/1; the slowest are 6th, 3d, 5th, 4/2, and 2/5.Law360 has Larry Ebner's Federal Judge's Amici Invitation Is A Good Idea, With Caveats [read post]
14 Jun 2013, 9:00 am by William A. Schreiner, Jr.
  And finally, here’s a colorful dispute we’ll keep an eye on between Larry Connors, a former anchor at KMOV-TV in St. [read post]
7 May 2013, 7:44 pm
” DRA’s Executive Director Larry Paradis commented that “Disability Rights Advocates commends the University of California, Berkeley for implementing this new system to break down barriers to higher education. [read post]
13 Nov 2021, 3:12 pm
 In this NY Times article details the book Larry Miller, former Portland Trail Blazers president, and current Nike Executive, has written. [read post]
25 Mar 2022, 9:30 pm by ernst
" Chasing Justice: Florida Justice Association, 1950-2000 by Larry S. [read post]
19 Feb 2019, 1:11 pm by Gritsforbreakfast
” As in Travis County where judges are opposing new state funding for indigent defense because they prefer not to have a public defender, apparently Bexar County judges cannot be embarrassed into reform.The Filter story describes Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner's bail reform efforts. [read post]
13 Aug 2020, 6:06 am
Pix ©Larry atá Backer; Tourist stop  in Matanzas Province on the way to the beaches of Varadero (2017)Reminder; today begins the first of three days of panels and discussions around Cuba, pandemic, and the regional situation in the Caribbean and Latin America as part of Cuba from the Castros to COVID: An ASCE Virtual Conference, 13-15 August 2020. [read post]