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3 Apr 2021, 10:30 am by Gene Takagi
” NY Times“It’s the last news anyone wants to hear: one year after the United States was slammed with its first wave of COVID-19—which was followed by even worse second and third waves—public health experts are worried that the country is headed for a fourth major spike. [read post]
8 Feb 2011, 9:43 am by Holly Doremus
The United States didn’t go to court, but The Wilderness Society and Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance did. [read post]
23 Jun 2010, 5:56 am by Lisa McElroy
United States); McDonald, the Chicago gun rights case; and a couple of big First Amendment cases. [read post]
7 Aug 2012, 9:45 am by Gordon Todd
Much is poured into the Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. [read post]
29 Nov 2012, 5:34 pm
Even the Supreme Court has gotten in on the act with its 2011 decision in Brown v. [read post]
8 Jan 2011, 1:43 pm by Stewart Baker
  But now he and his publisher are going to rely on United States law to do for them exactly what he refused to do for the United States. [read post]
17 Jul 2014, 4:36 am by Ben
 He is being held in a high security prison in Västervik, although he recently requested a transfer to a lower safety class unit. [read post]
23 Mar 2016, 4:05 am by SHG
  And for those who doubt the existence of karma, it came back to him the next day, when the United States Supreme Court affirmed his decision in Nebraska v. [read post]
21 Jan 2015, 8:57 pm by Joey Fishkin
 Is it about combatting residential segregation to achieve a more integrated set of living patterns across the United States? [read post]