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14 Feb 2019, 8:13 am by Ezra Rosser
New Article: Eric Chung, The Child Welfare and Education Gap, 36 Yale L. [read post]
4 May 2009, 1:28 am
For those of you tracking citizen's arrest cases:Oregonian article: Parking-law bulldog drops a case: Citizen citations - Attorney Eric Bryant ticketed officers in prohibited zones, May 02, 2009, Aimee Green:Excerpt: "An attorney who sparked a widespread debate about whether police officers who aren't responding to emergencies need to follow parking laws has dropped his latest fight.Eric Bryant, who wrote three citizen-initiated citations last year, asked a judge to… [read post]
9 Apr 2015, 6:53 am by Laura Appleman
  As illustrated by the recent outcries over the shooting deaths of  Walter Scott, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice, the public has a growing desire to have their voices heard in matters of local criminal justice. [read post]
29 Dec 2022, 9:13 pm by Stephen Rosenberg
There is an excellent article in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly this week by Eric Berkman on a new District Court decision by Judge Woodlock in Massachusetts concerning mental health benefits and the nature of the review provided by an insurer. [read post]
6 Sep 2008, 1:36 am
Eric Goldman, Associate Professor of Law at Santa Clara University School of Law and Director of the school’s High Tech Law Institute, has a post on a recent American decision involving search engine optimization and meta tags. [read post]
2 Nov 2009, 5:08 pm
This legislation needs careful monitoring due to its potential perniciousness. * Venkat has his own version of Quick Links on his site. [read post]
7 Jun 2012, 8:40 am by Gritsforbreakfast
The Austin Statesman's Eric Dexheimer has an item about an ex-TDCJ prisoner who was trained while in prison as a barber on the taxpayers dime but was then turned down for licensing ("State government giveth, then taketh away," June 6). [read post]
28 Aug 2017, 1:35 pm by Tammy Binford
The opponents said they gathered more than 300,000 signatures, some three times the number needed to put the measure on the ballot. [read post]
27 Aug 2010, 10:04 pm by Walter Olson
EPA considers petition to ban lead sporting ammunition and fishing sinkers [National Shooting Sports Federation via Zincavage] Claremont-McKenna economist Eric Helland, known for his work on litigation policy, joins the group blog Truth on the Market; European Union expresses concern about provisions of Foreign Manufacturers Legal Accountability Act [Sidley Austin, PDF letter courtesy Learning Resources] Michigan judge rules two waitresses can proceed with weight discrimination claim… [read post]
24 Aug 2009, 8:35 am
Much of your success is attributable to your sensitivity to the specific needs of the communities you serve, and to your ability to understand what works in a given context. [read post]
29 Aug 2011, 9:44 am by Walter Olson
” [Eric Felten/WSJ, AW, PoL, Trevor Burrus/Cato] Dear NYT contributor Bakan: getting your kids’ attention may not require overthrowing world corporate economy [Nancy French, NR "Home Front"] “West Memphis Three” freed [Damon Root, Greenfield] Forest Labs case: after outcry, feds drop effort to force firing of drug company CEO not charged with wrongdoing [WSJ, WLF] Background: Charles Hooper & David Henderson, Hoover (”The FDA’s War… [read post]
24 Jun 2009, 5:29 pm
I opined he was trying, but needed to try harder to light a fire under Congress to revise both cocaine penalties and mandatory minimums. [read post]
8 Jun 2009, 6:03 am
Eric De Brabandere (Leiden Univ. - Law) has posted Post-conflict Administrations in International Law: International Territorial Administration, Transitional Authority and Foreign Occupation in Theory and Practice (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2009). [read post]
29 Aug 2009, 8:12 am
US Attorney General Eric Holder announced on Tuesday his plans for a preliminary review of torture allegations.The CIA report, analyzing detention and interrogation activities, was actually completed in April 2004 but was suppressed from publication, despite the Freedom of Information Act. [read post]
31 Mar 2023, 8:55 am by Lawrence Solum
David Froomkin (Yale University) & Eric Eisner (Yale Law School) have posted The Self-Executing Second Section of the Fourteenth Amendment on SSRN. [read post]
27 Nov 2024, 12:25 pm by Lawrence Solum
Eric Harbeson (Authors Alliance) has posted Open Access and U.S. [read post]
20 Feb 2013, 7:14 pm by Linda McClain
McClain, Ordered Liberty: Rights, Responsibilities, and Virtues (Harvard University Press, 2013)We are grateful to Eric Blumenson for his sympathetic yet critical review of our book, Ordered Liberty: Rights, Responsibilities, and Virtues (Harvard University Press, 2013). [read post]