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27 Sep 2010, 2:59 am
"  It all does make you wonder, as one Congressman quipped some time ago: "Who needs Al-Qaeda when you have got E. coli? [read post]
27 Dec 2023, 6:27 am by Marcel Pemsel
The owner cannot surrender the EU trade mark without showing that the licensee has been informed of the owner’s intention to surrender (Art. 57(3) sentences 2 and 3 EUTMR). [read post]
3 Sep 2015, 3:26 am
Article 4(3) of Directive 2008/95 ... must be interpreted as meaning that, if the reputation of an earlier Community mark is established in a substantial part of the territory of the European Union, which may, in some circumstances, coincide with the territory of a single Member State, which does not have to be the State in which the application for the later national mark was filed, it must be held that that mark has a reputation in the European Union. [read post]
27 Mar 2009, 9:58 am
One does have to remember that the default view sets to seven days, meaning older copies and views scroll off the page the table day to day (this caused some confusion). [read post]
29 Jun 2023, 4:27 am by Editors
If your law department does not drop the hammer on the law firms you use, who will? [read post]
6 Jul 2010, 7:35 pm by admin
 So, you may ask, what does his new hit sound like. [read post]
14 Jul 2023, 7:57 am by Unknown
The proposed 3-3 commission structure would be contrary to the dominant 3-2 commission model among independent federal agencies and could result in securities regulation gridlock. [read post]
6 Feb 2008, 11:27 am
However, Wilson did testify his agency does not monitor foreign credit. [read post]
10 Oct 2022, 5:00 am by Lazar Radic
” The broader point that I have tried to make throughout this series is that this confrontation hinges on ethical and deontological considerations, as much as it does on “hard” consequentialist arguments. [read post]
2 Feb 2023, 9:37 pm by Jim Sedor
But the appointment does not require members to divest their own personal biotech investments. [read post]
3 May 2024, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
The public show of support for Cruz does not violate the law, but it could raise the appearance of bias by a government regulator, campaign finance lawyer Brett Kappel said. [read post]
16 Aug 2011, 9:02 am by Steven Boutwell
This begs the question: Does a seaman spoil the evidence of his injury by electing to proceed with surgery prior to appearing for an Independent Medical Examination (“IME”)? [read post]
4 Apr 2014, 7:27 am by Don Cruse
Put differently, does the employee’s awareness of the defect eliminate the employer’s duty to maintain a safe workplace? [read post]