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23 Mar 2007, 5:54 am
New posts on public defender blogs since Thursday morning:Accident Prone Arbitrary and Capricious audacity Brewer Burns Cook County Public Defenders Frolics and Detours Gideon's Guardians Infinity Ranch Kansas Defenders lawbabeak A Public Defender The Rural Bus Route The Wretched of the Earth A Year in the Life Fifth Circuit Federal Defender Blog Sixth Circuit Federal Defender Blog Ninth Circuit Federal Defender Blog [read post]
19 Apr 2007, 5:45 am
New posts on public defender blogs since Wednesday morning:Arbitrary and Capricious audacity Brewer Burns Capital Defense Weekly Cook County Public Defenders Frolics and Detours Gideon's Guardians Infinity Ranch Ipse Dixit Kansas Defenders lawbabeak Michigan Defender A Public Defender A Public Defender's Life in Alaska The Saucy Vixen on Life Swan Lake Samba Girl Woman of the Law Ninth Circuit Federal Defender Blog Tenth… [read post]
18 Jan 2007, 6:33 am
New posts on public defender blogs since Wednesday morning: Arbitrary and Capricious audacity Blonde Justice Capital Defense Weekly Doubtslinger Frolics and Detours Gideon's Guardians Indignant Indigent Infinity Ranch Injustice Anywhere… Knit and the City lawbabeak Leanna Kay Overemotional Arguing A Public Defender's Journal Scoplaw The Suburban Ecstasies Woman of the Law The Wretched of the Earth Defense… [read post]
17 Apr 2009, 5:43 am
Essentially, there are no qualifications (or review of qualifications) at all.I support Gideon with all my heart and soul. [read post]
6 Mar 2008, 1:17 pm
SAN DIEGO CRIMINAL DEFENSE NEWS: Now, I'm all for fighting the good fight, pushing the envelope, raising the Sword of Gideon and all that, but when your methhead client drives around the streets with his meth, and his license plate is on upside down, well, he just deserves to be caught. [read post]
26 Jul 2009, 1:51 pm
Board of Education, Gideon v. [read post]
6 Dec 2007, 10:54 am
Hoffman, 07-110...Go see what Sentencing Law and Policy and Gideon have to say about that. [read post]
13 Aug 2013, 11:09 am
In this five-part series, David Porter talks about direct federal appeals, habeas corpus and “being heard,” changing ideas of crime, terrorism, and punishment; and the realities of “effective assistance of counsel” fifty years after Gideon v. [read post]
23 Jan 2009, 3:39 am
Smith How Property Can Create, Maintain, or Destroy Community8Amnon Lehavi The Evolution of Private and Open Access Property10Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky How Blackstone Became a Blackstonian12David B. [read post]
29 Nov 2010, 2:36 pm
Now go vote for someone in the Criminal Justice category—Gideon, Seddiq, Pryor, Greenfield, Berman, or Sylvester; hell, vote for Scheidegger if you’re into that sort of thing. [read post]
6 Oct 2009, 12:05 am
Packed into the new 4-page guide is the ACLU's interpretition of the state of the law relating to school prayer (in class, at graduation, at sporting events, board meetings and elsewhere), to the pledge of alliegance, distribtuion of Gideon Bibles, equal access rules, holiday celebrations and "See You At the Pole" events. [read post]
3 May 2008, 10:19 am
A nice overview, though as public defender Gideon (whose about page made me chortle) points out on Twitter, "fun" is missing from the list of reasons to blog. [read post]
12 Feb 2010, 9:20 am
Runway (with a hat tip to the Clancy Brothers and Professor Kanner) - Chicago wins cemetery land for new O'Hare runway Who's On First - Utah lawmakers propose using eminent domain to take federal land Gideon Kanner asks: Is the Academy’s Reaction to Kelo a Part of a Larger Phenomenon? [read post]
12 Jul 2007, 11:41 am
But in the meantime, check out these links for your daily land use/eminent domain/property rights fix: PLF on Eminent Domain New Jersey Eminent Domain Blog Rapanos Blog - US Clean Water Act jurisdiction Damon Key - Walt & Arla Harvey's daily summary of property and real estate issues ( Gideon's Trumpet - Prof Kanner's blog on eminent domain, takings, and property issues [read post]
3 Jun 2014, 10:56 am
Via Gideon at A Public Defender. [read post]
3 Dec 2010, 11:18 am
Cornell Law Review, Volume 96 Issue 1 (November 2010) Articles Valuing Intellectual Property: An Experiment Christopher Buccafusco & Christopher Sprigman The Repeat Appointment Factor: Exploring Decision Patterns of Elite Investment Arbitrators Daphna Kapeliuk Beyond Fair Use Gideon Parchomovsky & Philip J. [read post]
14 Feb 2007, 6:00 am
New posts on public defender blogs since Tuesday morning: Accident Prone Arbitrary and Capricious audacity Brewer Burns Capital Defense Weekly Cook County Public Defenders Doubtslinger Gideon's Guardians Indignant Indigent Infinity Ranch Jay Kansas Defenders lawbabeak Overemotional Arguing A Public Defender Public Pretender 2 (now AZ Public Defender) Rabid Sanity The Rural Bus Route Swan Lake Samba Girl Thanksgiving Feast … [read post]
29 Aug 2012, 12:18 pm
The school district permits distribution of Gideon Bibles, but the school refused to allow distribution of the book "Just Pretend: A Free Thought Book for Children. [read post]
1 Dec 2010, 10:01 pm
Except to point out again that the FT's Gideon Rachman really has the right perspective toward it all: It's amusing for the rest of us to read US diplomats' frank and sometimes unflattering verdicts on foreign leaders, and it's obviously embarrassing for the Americans. [read post]
24 Nov 2009, 6:11 pm
Professor Gideon Kanner's insights here. [read post]