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26 Dec 2014, 11:38 am
The notice should include: (1) A letter signed by an attorney for the corporation or a director describing and stating the material facts of the proposed transaction (11 California Code of Regulations (“CCR”) Section 999.1(c));(2) A copy of the board’s resolution or minutes discussing or otherwise… [read post]
3 Oct 2023, 10:10 am
But its reach goes much further: the Torre Centinela is just one piece of the Plataforma Centinela (Sentinel Platform), an aggressive new technology strategy developed by Chihuahua's Secretaria de Seguridad Pública Estatal (Secretary of State Public Security or SSPE) in collaboration with the company Seguritech. [read post]
17 Oct 2018, 3:59 am
Mr Tsujimoto filed two IR(EU)s for KENZO ESTATE, one covering wine in class 33 and the other covering classes 29, 30 and 31 (assorted foodstuffs), 35 (retailing of food and beverage etc), 41 (education in wine) and 43 (accommodation). [read post]
19 Sep 2016, 4:00 am
And he did so without answering any of the myriad questions his latest performance manifestly raised, instead crassly inviting an at-long-last-unreceptive gaggle of TV camera crews to follow him around as he touted the supposed virtues of his latest real estate venture. [read post]
23 Apr 2021, 5:01 am
Until Congress does two things, the tax gap will continue to grow, and the ultimate outcome might be far worse than the impact of quadrupled prices for oil and gas, shortages of concrete, or devastating hurricanes. [read post]
9 Aug 2014, 8:16 am
On the other side is the emerging system of societally constituted functionally distinct governance organs, grounded in principles of free movement of capital and investment, founded on systems of functional structures in which territory boundaries reference the functional boundaries of self constituted groups.[5]Though SWFs attract less attention in the popular press than they did before the events of the Arab Spring and related events distracted the media and political elites, they remain an… [read post]
26 Dec 2014, 11:38 am
The notice should include: (1) A letter signed by an attorney for the corporation or a director describing and stating the material facts of the proposed transaction (11 California Code of Regulations (“CCR”) Section 999.1(c));(2) A copy of the board’s resolution or minutes discussing or otherwise… [read post]
20 Feb 2019, 2:37 pm
“Valuation Issues in Eminent Domain Litigation: What You Need to Know” Alan Ackerman, Esq. [read post]
4 Sep 2011, 7:05 am
The seamless integration of political elites with executives in finance, real estate, extractive industries, and communications is a feature of many so-called "free market" economies. [read post]
3 Apr 2007, 7:17 am
I'm exercising my liquidity option I'd say a 95% drop in stock price indicates a shock. [read post]
12 Nov 2023, 2:35 am
Displaying the works of famous masters is particularly onerous, in part because their recognizability drives up the cost of their display, and requires negotiating permissions with multiple parties, including the artist’s estate and museums. [read post]
22 Nov 2011, 7:06 am
He suggested that this view is “fundamentally flawed” given its inability to account for systemic risk, which can arise from “panics, banking crises due to asset price falls, contagion [and] foreign exchange mismatches in the banking system. [read post]
24 May 2024, 12:47 pm
The Public Health Service Act requires pharmaceutical manufacturers who participate in Medicare or Medicaid to sell certain drugs at discounted prices to select healthcare providers, like hospitals serving low-income patients. [read post]
22 Oct 2012, 5:00 am
Harnessing a stable of usually low-priced lawyers to answer questions and maybe garner a client or two isn’t there main selling feature but an add-on. [read post]
2 Sep 2012, 8:40 pm
For the price of a small Beverly Hills estate, in Gangnam you can get about a 20 by 30 foot concrete box. [read post]
21 Nov 2011, 11:51 pm
Background Lance-Kashian & Company is the general partner of River Park Properties III (RPP III), which in turn was general partner of Park 41, a real estate partnership. [read post]
14 Oct 2013, 3:32 am
” Since Stulman, there was one other reported New York case that I blogged about last year involving an LLC freeze-out merger, Alf Naman Real Estate Advisors, LLC v. [read post]
22 Mar 2017, 9:02 pm
Trump wants to cut income tax rates for the rich and corporations and to eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax (which, albeit imperfectly, guarantees that people like Trump actually pay some taxes), and he is eager to join Republicans in achieving their long-held dream of repealing the estate tax.This means that we are talking about one of the most blatant cases of “reverse Robin Hood” social policy that this country has ever seen. [read post]
4 Oct 2024, 12:08 am
While it can be difficult to fathom putting a price on your loved one’s life, it’s necessary to ensure you get full compensation. [read post]
15 Dec 2011, 2:10 am
It’s the biggest failure in property in South Africa with 40 000 or 45 000 victims that are asked to give the money over and most of them, I can guarantee you, will be dead before the last payment because they are generally - the syndication investors in all these schemes – are generally retired people, who unfortunately invested their life savings in a property investment with obviously a property and a financial risk and therefore they lost their investment and now ask to receive the… [read post]