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16 Mar 2022, 9:37 am by Neil H. Buchanan
Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. [read post]
5 Feb 2019, 9:10 am by Dave Maass
Private Cameras (BLACK) - There are 2,406 cameras listed as owned by private businesses and individuals. [read post]
20 Apr 2018, 1:15 pm by John K. Ross
"While the law allows pretextual stops based on minor traffic violations, no traffic law prohibits driving while black. [read post]
26 Jun 2019, 10:45 am
In fact, despite constituting 36 percent of the population of Chicago, in 2016 78 percent of all marijuana arrests were of Black people and less than 5 percent were of white people. [read post]
11 Aug 2014, 4:24 am by Ben
District Judge Shira Scheindlin's ruling that Coots' heirs couldn't use the termination provisions under the Copyright Act of 1976 to regain the rights.One of the disputed 'selfies'Over on the IPKat Jeremy has posted a guest blog from Estelle Derclaye which re-examines the Case of the Black Macaque - the dispute between Wikipedia and British phorographer David Slater about some monkey business.- the snaps taken when the photographer's… [read post]
7 May 2020, 7:30 am by ACLU
Aggressive enforcement of low-level offenses unnecessarily funnels hundreds of thousands of people into the criminal legal system — primarily young people of color and particularly Black people. [read post]
16 Jan 2018, 5:00 am by Daphne Keller
It is Creative Commons licensed for re-use in teaching materials and elsewhere. [read post]
11 Aug 2022, 9:02 am by Michael C. Dorf
They're Goliath and, as Wilt Chamberlain memorably said, "nobody roots for Goliath. [read post]
8 Nov 2014, 5:53 pm by Donald Thompson
 Black’s Law Dictionary [1891] defines curtilage as:The enclosed space of ground and buildings immediately surrounding a dwelling-house. [read post]
18 Jan 2018, 2:18 pm by Nathan Matias
Although they’re dedicated parents, they’ve racked up a history with the state. [read post]
5 Jan 2012, 4:46 pm by Rick
 While you’re in trial, you’re usually not doing anything else. [read post]
11 Sep 2008, 5:06 pm
If you’re a black lesbian with a severe wheat allergy who also happens to be into Philip K. [read post]
16 Jul 2008, 3:28 pm
So, but when we're looking at accounts, let's talk a little bit about what we're looking for in the context of compensation. [read post]
27 Sep 2010, 8:21 am by Steve McConnell
In fact, we're denying it right now. [read post]
6 Jul 2017, 4:23 am by SHG
On the other hand, you have a lovely black woman who bought a car. [read post]