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13 Jul 2009, 8:22 am
We agreed to further consider proposals for the establishment of international funding arrangements, including the proposal by Mexico for a Green Fund. [read post]
24 Nov 2009, 1:15 pm by WIMS
The green curve on the diagram included proxy data up to 1960 but only actual temperatures from 1961 onwards. [read post]
1 Apr 2008, 8:54 am
The goal is to be short on semantic content, like Chomsky's "colorless green ideas sleep beautifully. [read post]
6 Dec 2010, 10:01 pm
However, she has been left with the green beans, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce whose quantities seem to be multiplying, rather than diminishing. [read post]
7 Apr 2010, 6:45 am When Mercy Seasons Justice by Craig Ball/EDD Update - Content for Understanding Technology  7 Reasons for Email Archiving - A New Legal Review Performance Module - Cloud Computing Analyst & Advisor Gives an Overview of the Security Risks of Multi Tenancy - “Digital Due Process” Coalition Lobbies for Greater Online Privacy Protection -… [read post]
2 Nov 2024, 8:35 pm by Bill Marler
Leaking and pooling water, including a puddle found with “a green algal growth” and condensation that was “dripping over product being held. [read post]
30 Dec 2024, 1:31 pm by Breezy Smoak
We’ve also paid homage to several other legendary artists, celebrating their lyrics that encapsulate whistleblowing themes, including rounds of applause for John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Green Day, Yusuf/Cat Stevens, and Jerry Garcia. [read post]
27 May 2011, 8:30 am by Lovechilde
Right now, we're told, President Obama is wrestling with the question of how much to reduce U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan. [read post]
17 Nov 2009, 2:43 pm
They're bring together speakers from North America and Australia for a session on International E-Discovery. [read post]
23 Jun 2010, 10:53 am by admin
  That’s significant savings, and significant greening. [read post]
18 May 2009, 6:42 am
Jewish World Review 05/08/09: "Hedge Fund Man 'for President 05/01/09: Swine flu should prompt closure of the US-Mexico border 04/24/09 : Leave Afghanistan to 04/17/09: Team O is left to sound right extremists 04/13/09: Obama bows to no one, unless you're a Saudi king 04/03 / 09: What do you mean, if we ever want to leave afghanistan ' kgo-TV Bay Area Ketra Oberster Lander wants more manufacturers and consumers to make a difference Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald Our… [read post]
12 Jan 2007, 12:07 am
Or maybe it's an outgrowth, as one law firm partner speculated, of "the lawyer personality -- they're very ambitious and very oriented to win at games. [read post]
18 Jun 2012, 4:07 am by SHG
He liked it too, and we were given the green light. [read post]
5 Jun 2020, 11:35 am by Dean I. Weitzman, Esq.
Many of these businesses remain closed until Pennsylvania goes to green on the coronavirus warning scale set by the commonwealth. [read post]
13 Dec 2010, 10:37 am by Eric
I'm sure you're shocked to learn that Microsoft weighed in with a brief against YouTube. [read post]
22 Jan 2023, 3:30 am by Frank Cranmer
Legal research, blogging and AI Writes David Allen Green, “Could Artificial Intelligence replicate, or even replace, the work of your normal contracts lawyer? [read post]
31 Jul 2020, 10:27 pm by Bill Marler
If you or a family member became ill with a Salmonella infection, including Reactive Arthritis or Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), after consuming food and you’re interested in pursuing a legal claim, contact the Marler Clark Salmonella attorneys for a free case evaluation. [read post]
16 Jul 2019, 9:29 pm by Bill Marler
If you or a family member became ill with an E. coli infection or HUS after consuming food and you’re interested in pursuing a legal claim, contact the Marler Clark E. coli attorneys for a free case evaluation. [read post]