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17 Mar 2015, 7:00 pm by Kenneth Vercammen Esq. Edison
(D) “Younger-generation substitute gift” means the substitute gift created with respect to the younger-generation devise. [read post]
8 Aug 2021, 11:55 am by Nedim Malovic
Bad faith pursuant to Article 59(1)(b) of the EU Trade Mark Regulation (EUTMR), presupposes the presence of a dishonest state of mind or intention (Koton Mağazacilik Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret v EUIPO (C‑104/18 P)). [read post]
28 May 2015, 9:54 am by Rebecca Tushnet
 C: might different TPMs protect the basic software v. the modeling software? [read post]
13 Jan 2016, 9:09 am by Eric Goldman
April 17, 2015). 8th grader gets a C in a class and gets grounded. [read post]
19 Jan 2011, 9:38 am by Kent Scheidegger
  Then he gets to federal court and says, "My lawyer should have done A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. [read post]
9 Jul 2020, 6:41 pm by Scott McKeown
  That is, it now seems likely that the Director’s decision to institute and join parties is not subject to review because § 315(c), like § 315(b), seems to be “closely related to [the Director’s] decision whether to institute inter partes review and is therefore rendered nonappealable by § 314(d). [read post]
31 May 2011, 8:01 am by Rantanen
It would thus be strange to hold that knowledge of the relevant patent is needed under §271(c) but not under §271(b). [read post]
27 Aug 2012, 4:08 pm
A prova maior da lavagem, segundo ele, são as várias versões díspares dadas por João Paulo sobre o recebimento desse dinheiro. [read post]
13 Sep 2021, 11:36 am by Eric Goldman
In a prior ruling, the court held that Craigslist qualified for Section 230(c)(1) protection for state law claims but not for the 1595 claim. [read post]
1 Jul 2011, 3:04 am by J
R (Cala Homes (South) Ltd) v Secretary of State (No.2) [2011] EWCA Civ 639 is one that we may have missed when it first came out (or we decided not to do it – we can’t quite remember now), but, given that I have some free time this morning, I thought I’d do a short note on it. [read post]
25 Apr 2022, 6:30 am by Public Employment Law Press
In its decision the Appellate Division, citing Stone v Bloomberg L.P., 163 AD3d 1028, quoting Greenberg v Spitzer, 155 AD3d 27: "The elements of a cause of action for defamation are (a) a false statement that tends to expose a person to public contempt, hatred, ridicule, aversion, or disgrace, (b) published without privilege or authorization to a third party, (c) amounting to fault as judged by, at a minimum, a negligence standard, and (d) either… [read post]