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15 May 2012, 11:00 am
Until those submissions can be made on EDGAR, EGC's must submit draft registration statements to the SEC in a text searchable PDF format via a secure e-mail system. [read post]
7 Feb 2019, 12:01 am
Adopted in the aftermath of the US Supreme Court’s ruling in Chisholm v. [read post]
28 Feb 2008, 2:59 am
Wingader, Kristian E. [read post]
21 Sep 2008, 9:52 am
"In all, more than 30 colleges and universities have adopted the CCC's annual license in the short time it has been available. [read post]
20 Jun 2009, 10:48 pm
La proposition de loi relative à l'exécution des décisions de justice et aux conditions d'exercice de certaines professions réglementées a été adoptée en 1ère lecture par le Sénat le 11… [read post]
29 Jun 2022, 12:15 am
Ryu summarized three different approaches adopted by the federal courts: Some courts look to both to the state of incorporation and to the state of the corporation's last business activity. * * * Some courts hold an inactive corporation has no "place of business" and therefore is a citizen only of its state of incorporation. * * * Other courts adopt a case-by-case approach: i e, if the corporation has been inactive for a substantial period of… [read post]
4 Jan 2011, 5:17 pm
DIDDY mark, false suggestion of a connection under Section 2(a), and mere descriptiveness under Section 2(e)(1). [read post]
18 Mar 2009, 1:56 pm
Where's Heidi? [read post]
12 Mar 2009, 6:24 am
When I got to the office this morning I found an e-mail message asking a question (I get a lot of those). [read post]
8 Feb 2014, 5:42 pm
Dianne E. [read post]
28 Jun 2018, 9:18 am
The Quill decision is one of the main reasons why many e-commerce retailers did not have to collect sales tax for sales to out-of-state residents. [read post]
3 Nov 2014, 4:00 am
Cette image avait été captée dans un marché aux puces. [read post]
7 Mar 2012, 4:05 pm
Mandernach, Carl S. [read post]
5 Mar 2012, 11:36 am
Rissetto and Stephanie E. [read post]
7 Dec 2009, 10:55 am
Mais c'était sans compter sur l'UMP qui refusa de voter ce texte pourtant coécrit par l'un des siens, Jacques-Alain BENISTI, mais qui approuva les amendements rédigés sur ce sujet par ce même homme, lesquels forment maintenant l'ossature de la section 3 du chapitre 1° - Dispositions relatives à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés de la proposition de loi… [read post]
1 Apr 2016, 8:06 am
On March 18th, however, the Department of Education ultimately proposed to adopt Option A of the draft Regulation Section 685.300. [read post]
6 Mar 2009, 4:00 am
Perhaps the TTAB is moving toward adoption of Judge Seeherman's enlightened view of the Section 2(e)(4) surname refusal, a view expressed in her concurring opinion in In re Joint-Stock Company "Baik", 84 USPQ2d 1921 (TTAB 2007) [precedential]. [read post]
23 May 2011, 7:51 am
Editor’s Note: The following post comes to us from E. [read post]
28 Oct 2022, 4:00 am
Keith E. [read post]
2 Jul 2012, 11:57 am
Ralph Losey, in his popular e-Discovery Team blog, has even referred to keyword searching as similar to a child's game of Go Fish, in which both players try to guess the other side's cards while attempting to conceal their own. [read post]