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24 Apr 2024, 4:31 pm by Daily Record Staff
Tonya Butler joins Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company as Senior Vice President and Chief People Officer. [read post]
15 Oct 2019, 1:09 pm by Tim Curtis
ANNAPOLIS — The commission charged with finding permanent solutions to stabilize Maryland’s individual health insurance market heard Tuesday about how Massachusetts has achieved its gold-standard health insurance system along with some other options that could get more people covered in Maryland. [read post]
6 Oct 2018, 1:00 am by Paul Caron
Kathryn Kisska-Schulze (Clemson) & Adam Epstein (Central Michigan), The Claim Game: Analyzing the Tax Implications of Student-Athlete Insurance Policy Payouts, 25 Jeffrey S. [read post]
21 Feb 2021, 5:00 am by Stephen Cribben
”  Of course, there is no way of knowing what will happen in the future, which is why insurance exists in the first […] The post Long-Term Disability Insurance: What Is It, and Is It Worth Getting? [read post]
23 Mar 2017, 5:01 pm by Daily Record Staff
Stephen Friedman was recently promoted to director of security and privacy for Towson-based Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company, Maryland’s largest provider of workers’ compensation insurance. [read post]
13 Mar 2012, 12:51 pm
  Exchanges will provide marketplaces where individuals and small employers can compare private health insurance options (e.g. based on price and quality). [read post]
13 Mar 2012, 12:51 pm
  Exchanges will provide marketplaces where individuals and small employers can compare private health insurance options (e.g. based on price and quality). [read post]
5 Apr 2018, 8:21 am by Associated Press
The bill signed by the governor moves the state toward reinsurance that would provide protection for insurers against very high claims. [read post]
24 Apr 2024, 4:24 pm by Daily Record Staff
Daniel Navarro, CPCU, CLU, ChFC, WCP, was promoted to Vice President of Policyholder Services at Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company. [read post]
25 May 2011, 7:41 am by structuredsettlements
"If i feel like i was a benefictionary (sic) on a life insurance claim but have not heard from the insurance company... [read post]
12 Aug 2010, 12:32 pm by Keith Maynard
The divorce insurance is sold in “units” of insurance protection, with each unit equaling $1,250 in initial coverage and costing $16 per month per unit. [read post]
7 Jun 2012, 9:05 pm
It is when both the no-fault automobile insurance and the health insurance are uncoordinated policies that multiple recovery is possible for the insured. [read post]
4 Apr 2024, 7:47 am
The post Are Discrimination Claims Covered under Your Business Insurance? [read post]
1 Nov 2023, 6:54 am by Jay Butchko
Dealing with Travelers Insurance for a Workers Compensation Claim  Insurance companies like Travelers want to do everything they can to avoid paying out a claim. [read post]
25 Oct 2024, 1:40 pm by Steven Schwartzapfel
How To File An Insurance Claim Without A Police Report Sometimes, you might need to file an insurance claim without having a police report. [read post]