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3 Jan 2014, 9:37 am by Jacob Sapochnick
Sergio Garcia passed the California State Bar Exam on his first try in 2009, but when his application to be admitted to the bar was denied, it was the beginning of a long battle that has ultimately ended in his favor. [read post]
18 Apr 2011, 5:05 pm by INFORRM
Last week, in the case of The Citizen 1978 Ltd v McBride ([2011] ZACC 11) the South African Constitutional Court handed down a ground-breaking decision in the defamation case brought by Robert McBride, the former Ekurhuleni metro police chief, against The Citizen newspaper, who had called McBride a criminal and a murderer. [read post]
30 Jan 2007, 1:03 pm
Perhaps someone can get me a new copy of the Constitution, but I missed the section that authorizes a federal circuit court to assemble evidence to convict a federal defendant of a state crime as long as that circuit court is "reasonably confident" a state court would find that disputed conduct "within the meaning of [a state criminal] statute. [read post]
1 Dec 2009, 6:46 am
United States ex rel. [read post]
31 Oct 2018, 10:31 am by Eric Goldman
Masharipov would have a “year-long communication and coordination [with] Islamic State emir Abu Shuhada” to carry out the Reina attack. [read post]
7 Feb 2011, 11:11 am by D. Scott Crook
As you have probably noticed, it has been a long time since I posted anything on my blog. [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 3:19 am by Francis Davey
Donath v Trustees of the Second Duke of Westminster Will Trust [PDF] is a first instance decision of the LVT. [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 3:19 am by Francis Davey
Donath v Trustees of the Second Duke of Westminster Will Trust [PDF] is a first instance decision of the LVT. [read post]
27 Apr 2007, 1:56 pm
FERC and its recent "Long-Term Contracts" decisions (Snohomish PUD v. [read post]