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8 Aug 2013, 1:41 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
  There is a conceptual claim made in the photography cases: the creativity of the photo does not interact with the creativity of the sculpture. [read post]
10 Mar 2019, 9:05 pm by Bill Marler
Among the provinces, confirmed listeriosis ranged from 6 to 606 cases with mortality of 3 to 106 cases. [read post]
5 Feb 2012, 10:17 am by blogarbadmin
Interestingly, an additional protection is provided under Art. 6(3) which is interesting and, in my view, leaves matters beyond doubt – “Where a Contracting Party expropriates, nationalizes or takes measures having effect equivalent to nationalization or expropriation against the assets of a company which is incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in any part of its own territory, and in which investors of the other Contracting Party own shares, it shall ensure that… [read post]
29 Jul 2011, 4:04 pm by Jeremy Rosen
A law review article by Marketa Trimble makes the claim that the copyright act does not bar punitive damages simply because it does not affirmatively provide for them. [read post]
22 Nov 2006, 4:06 am
MORE ON GAY MARRIAGE IN ISRAEL: "The decision does not mean that Israeli gays and lesbians can enter into homosexual marriages in Israel itself. [read post]
17 Sep 2008, 9:01 pm
"Rock Band 2 does not repeat Rock Band's quantum leap in game-play design and technical innovation. [read post]
4 Mar 2012, 9:13 am by Buce
  Urban Dictionary does not yet have "legacy parties," but it does define "legacy" as:  In computing, describes outdated, obsolete hardware or software. [read post]
19 Jul 2007, 12:55 pm
Old self-serving rule: "When the President does it, it's not a crime. [read post]
16 Oct 2010, 2:39 am by Mike Danko
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, they make up only 3% of all accidents, but account for 31% percent of all traffic vehicular fatalities. [read post]
27 May 2008, 8:49 am
Potter, ruled 6-3, that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) protects federal workers from retaliation based on age-related complaints. [read post]
14 Jan 2010, 10:40 am by Marlyn Hawkins
  This does not mean, however, that every part of the arbitration clause or the “limited warranties” in which they are found will be enforceable. [read post]
3 Sep 2013, 5:01 pm by oliver randl
According to decision G 1/03 the introduction of a disclaimer that has not been disclosed in the application as filed can be allowable if it delimits a claim with respect to a state of the art pursuant to A 54(3)(4) EPC 1973, provided that the disclaimer does not exclude more than is necessary to re-establish novelty over this document and is clear and concise in order to comply with the requirements of A 84 (see decision G 1/03 [headnotes, 3]). [read post]
7 Feb 2013, 5:01 pm by oliver randl
It follows from the above considerations, that the disclaimer of claim 2 of the auxiliary request 1 does not satisfy the requirements of A 123(2). [read post]
8 Mar 2015, 6:35 pm by Kenneth Vercammen Esq. Edison
Government data indicate that the median length of a first marriage that does not end in divorce is 46.3 years, the median length of a post-divorce remarriage that does not end in divorce is 35.1 years, and the median length of a post-widowhood remarriage that does not end in divorce is 14.4 years. [read post]
17 Nov 2017, 3:46 pm
 How about the fact that the federal system does precisely that. [read post]