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21 Sep 2020, 2:00 pm by Amy Howe
Barrett wrote that courts and commentators “have thought about the kinds of reliance interests that justify keeping an erroneous decision on the books”; in a footnote, she cited (among other things) Planned Parenthood v. [read post]
12 Jul 2012, 11:56 am by Vikram Raghavan
This catch-all phrase did not hold the field for long though and less than a decade later, eleven judges in of that Court in State of Bombay v. [read post]
24 Oct 2021, 9:05 pm by Jasmine Harris
Notably, Poe framed this bill as a necessary compromise that would balance the interests of business owners against the interests of the disability lawsuit beneficiaries by affording business owners greater notice of alleged violations of Title III. [read post]
30 Aug 2024, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
In a few of the biggest Supreme Court decisions of the last few years – including Dobbs v. [read post]
12 Sep 2022, 9:00 pm by Kyle Hulehan
Notably, Romer and Romer’s study was completed with U.S. federal income tax data, not state level data. [read post]
5 Nov 2017, 12:27 am by David Cheifetz
If you are interested, the not-mentioned 2011 BCCA decision that underlies the dissent is Farrant v Latkin, 2011 BCCA 336. [read post]
14 Feb 2018, 2:57 pm by Kevin LaCroix
Please contact me directly if you are interested in submitting a guest post. [read post]
10 Jul 2023, 9:05 pm by Michael S. Knoll
And the Supreme Court’s recent opinion in National Pork Producers Council v. [read post]
20 Oct 2019, 1:59 am
As readers know, this is a profoundly un-harmonized area of the law, and different approaches are in place across different EU Member States. [read post]
16 Feb 2017, 6:21 am
The case is Tartan Army Ltd v Sett GmbH and Others [2017] CSOH 22. [read post]
22 Nov 2009, 3:06 pm
The Nuremberg International Military Tribunal addressed the issue of pre-emptive strikes in United States v. [read post]