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7 May 2007, 7:25 am
  To understand this, imagine that money glows green and people are merely shades and phantasms, as if we are all seeing with X-ray eyes:   Think of it as money and it all becomes clear   Each of us is thus a faintly gray form with a bright rectangle on our hips (wallets) or by our ribs (handbags). [read post]
19 Jun 2024, 4:10 am by itars sis
When Donat-Pourrières denied that the Parmigianino was a forgery and refused to return the money, Sotheby’s also sued Donat-Pourrières in 2017. [read post]
5 Apr 2012, 7:59 pm by Mandelman
  Incredibly, none other than “Linda Green signed the assignment and yet the judge in the Florida court just did not care. [read post]
29 Oct 2020, 7:36 am by Kristian Soltes
Legal and Regulatory Developments SPOTLIGHT: The DOJ Is Investigating Visa’s $5.3 Billion Bid for Plaid on Antitrust GroundsTech Crunch – October 28, 2020 It’s not just big tech that’s getting the antitrust treatment from the Department of Justice. [read post]
8 Jun 2009, 2:00 am
Tip Scales to 51 Percent Share of New Patents’ (IP finance)   Global - Copyright Copyright treaty backing e-books for visually impaired readers survives US and EU resistance (Out-Law) (WIPO) (IPKat)   Brazil Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office new fee schedule (IP tango)   Canada Canadian Trademarks Opposition Board finds colour green not distinctive of applicant: 3M Company v Tape Specialities Limited ( Conference Board of Canada… [read post]
26 Feb 2011, 11:00 pm by Editor
The Battle for Blawg Review of the Year Like the movie business, with its Academy Awards, the business of blog reviewing is highly competitive. [read post]
29 Apr 2022, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
Marjorie Taylor Greene cast a renewed spotlight on communication between the Trump White House and allies determined to overturn the results of the 2020 election or stoke chaos in its aftermath. [read post]
14 Aug 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal Abrupt Change to Census Deadline Could Result in an Undercount of Latino and Black Communities Philadelphia Inquirer – Jose Del Real and Fredrick Kunkle (Washington Post) | Published: 8/9/2020 Census experts and advocates warn the Trump administration’s decision to end the decennial count a month earlier than expected will result in a dramatic undercount of Black and Latino communities across the country, which could have grave effects on federal funding and… [read post]
23 Mar 2024, 4:40 am by Public Employment Law Press
Election machines are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks because they’re network-connected and expand the attack surface of government entities. [read post]
28 Dec 2012, 10:43 am by Steve Lovelady
 Once you’re there, click on the “Ownership Reports” link in the left-hand column (marked in red in the illustration below), and when the “Ownership Reports” page comes up, click on the “Contracts and Additional Documents” tab (marked in green below). [read post]
14 Jan 2015, 4:00 am by The Public Employment Law Press
Picente currently serves as Oneida County Executive, a position he was unanimously appointed to in 2006, was elected to a full four-year term in 2007 and was re-elected in 2011. [read post]
17 Oct 2013, 12:00 am by Jennifer Granick
The second is that when collection takes place overseas, “the assumption is you’re not a U.S. person”, i.e. an American or green card holder. [read post]
10 Apr 2023, 6:30 am by ernst
  And if you don’t know the topic well, you’re grateful to Mark for explaining it to you. [read post]