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16 Dec 2011, 9:36 am by INFORRM
However, the right to free speech, which is indeed enjoyed by everyone as individuals, does not entail that powerful press corporations must therefore enjoy the ‘right’ to enjoy complete editorial autonomy. [read post]
19 Sep 2014, 3:29 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
A 2011 inductee to the American College of Employee Benefits Council, immediate past-Chair and current Welfare Benefit Committee Co-Chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) RPPT Employee Benefits & Other Compensation Arrangements, an ABA Joint Committee on Employee Benefits Council Representative, the ABA TIPS Employee Benefit Plan Committee Vice Chair, former ABA Health Law Section Managed Care & Insurance Interest Group Chair, past Southwest Benefits Association Board… [read post]
25 Jan 2013, 8:50 am by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
  Board Certified in Labor & Employment Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, a member of the Editorial Advisory Board and expert panels of, Employee Benefit News,, and Solutions Law Press, Inc., management attorney and consultant Ms. [read post]
3 Jan 2013, 12:46 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
$50K Settlement Shows Small Breach Reports Carry Enforcement Risk Properly encrypt and protected electronic protected health information (ePHI) on laptops and in other mediums! [read post]
17 Jan 2013, 4:12 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
Health plans, their employer or other sponsors, insurers, fiduciaries, administrative service providers and other business associates have a lot of work to do. [read post]
6 Jun 2013, 3:43 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
A Fellow in the American College of Employee Benefit Counsel, State Bar of Texas and American Bar Association, Vice President of the North Texas Health Care Compliance Professionals Association, the Former Chair of the ABA RPTE Employee Benefit & Compensation Group and current Co-Chair of its Welfare Benefit Committee, Vice Chair of the ABA TIPS Employee Benefit Committee, an ABA Joint Committee on Employee Benefits Council Representative, Past Chair of the ABA Health Law Section… [read post]
25 Apr 2017, 3:21 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
While Congress and the Trump Administration continue to ponder and debate what if anything to do with the health care reforms of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), employer and other health plan sponsors, health plan insurers, plan fiduciaries and others responsible for health plan design, administration or funding must take steps to verify their past and continuing compliance with the ACA and other federal mandates while laying the groundwork to respond quickly to any eventual… [read post]
23 Sep 2022, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
Supreme Court decision on whether the First Amendment protects tech companies’ editorial discretion or forbids its censorship of unpopular views. [read post]
3 Dec 2020, 2:40 pm by Jason Kelley
  But it also protects some sites and activities you might not expect—for example, everyone who sends an email, as well as any cybersecurity firm that uses user-generated content for their threat assessments, patches, and advisories. [read post]
6 Dec 2019, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal A Mysterious ‘-1’ and Other Call Records Show How Giuliani Pressured Ukraine MSN – Sharon LaFraniere and Julian Barnes (New York Times) | Published: 12/3/2019 In the two days before President Trump forced out the American ambassador to Ukraine in April, his personal lawyer Rudolph Giuliani was on the phone with the White House more than a dozen times. [read post]
21 Aug 2015, 6:07 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
Employers sponsoring health plans and members of their management named as plan fiduciaries or otherwise having input or oversight over the health plan should verify their company’s group health plan meets the out-of-pocket maximum rules of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) § 1302(c)(1) as well as a long list of other federal health benefit rules to minimize the risk that violations will obligate the sponsoring employer to self-assess, self-report on IRS Form 8928, and… [read post]
19 Feb 2013, 10:50 am by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
An Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Institute of Human Resources (IHR/, Employee Benefit News, and other publications, Ms. [read post]
12 Feb 2016, 6:58 am by Jim Sedor
National: Amid Federal Gridlock, Lobbying Rises in the StatesCenter for Public Integrity – Liz Essley White and Ben Weider | Published: 2/11/2016 The number of business and interest groups lobbying in state Capitols has risen nearly 11 percent in recent years as organizations have shifted some efforts away from the stalemates in Washington, D.C. to statehouses, which are more apt to act on key policy initiatives, according to a new study. [read post]
5 Feb 2013, 9:58 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
An Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Institute of Human Resources (IHR/, Employee Benefit News, and other publications, Ms. [read post]
31 Aug 2013, 10:33 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
Stamer serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of Employee Benefits News,, Insurance Thought Leadership, Solutions Law Press, Inc. and other publications, and active in a multitude of other employee benefits, human resources and other professional and civic organizations. [read post]
14 Jan 2013, 9:24 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
  Board Certified in Labor & Employment Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, a member of the Editorial Advisory Board and expert panels of, Employee Benefit News,, and Solutions Law Press, Inc., management attorney and consultant Ms. [read post]
26 May 2013, 1:33 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
Verify Character and Implications of Proposed Features and Products Alone & In Conjunction With Overall Benefit Design To Avoid Unexpected Exposures As employer and other plan sponsors, insurers, and their service providers continue to struggle to understand and select the health plan options legally allowed when the next wave of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ACA) health care reforms take effect on January 1, 2014, recent guidance from the Departments of Health & Human… [read post]
5 Aug 2013, 11:31 am by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
Businesses and workers concerned that the definition of “full-time” employment as 30 hours per week in the “pay-or-play” penalties of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (commonly referred to by the public  as “Obamacare”) is hurting American workers may want to share their input on recently introduced legislation that would raise the number of hours an employee must work to qualify as “full-time”  for purposes of the pay-or-pay… [read post]