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7 Mar 2016, 1:29 pm
  It is certainly evidence of a crisis among the ruling elites in China; a crisis that parallels that in the United States about the legitimacy and character of the founding ideology of the state and its political order. [read post]
11 Jan 2011, 12:30 am by Máiréad Enright
Hijab, the Courtroom and Religious Freedom in the United States: Avoiding the Issue. [read post]
30 Jan 2023, 11:26 am by INFORRM
In the days leading up to his death, he revealed the threats he faced whilst speaking live on radio. [read post]
20 May 2007, 8:56 am
Our explanation of the New Deal transformation is that the public kept reelecting Franklin Roosevelt to the White House and Democrats to the Senate, so that Roosevelt was able to replace eight Justices by the time the Court decided United States v. [read post]
13 Nov 2024, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
  But peaceful coexistence in a political unit offers itself as an ideal state of being. [read post]
27 Jun 2024, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
” By “neo-Garrisonians,” I refer to those historians whose historical work unblinkingly examines the racist past of the United States. [read post]
25 Dec 2009, 2:00 am
(Class 46) Hacktivists protest proposed shutdown of P2P websites (TorrentFreak)   Russia does not belong to the famous burger chain (Class 46)   United Kingdom British music industry sees piracy threat beyond P2P (TorrentFreak) Big music: damn the numbers, give us anti-piracy laws anyway (Ars Technica) Jamie Cullen admits to being an ethical music pirate (TorrentFreak)   United States US General Promoting innovation in video devices (Public… [read post]
24 Jul 2009, 6:38 am
(1709 Copyright Blog)   Nigeria Updates on battling copyright piracy in Nigeria (Afro-IP)   South Korea Crazy copyright law set to cause chaos in South Korea (TorrentFreak)   Sweden New owners of Pirate Bay, Global Gaming Factory X, to adopt ‘give and take’ payment models (1709 Copyright Blog)   United Kingdom Microsoft tops Superbrands survey (IPKat) EWHC (Comm) ruling on transmission royalties in Excelsior Group Productions Ltd… [read post]
15 Jun 2009, 3:00 am
– ‘Rioja’ GI survives (Class 46)   Suriname Impersonator acquitted of attempting to deceive paying customers into thinking she is the true Toni Braxton (1709 Copyright Blog)   Switzerland Some data on 3D trademarks in Switzerland (Class 46) Shapes that made it, and those that didn’t (Class 46)   United Kingdom EWHC: Revocation proceedings not an abuse of process even if not commercially justified: TNS Group Holdings Ltd… [read post]
18 Jun 2010, 5:25 pm by INFORRM
   The argument was mentioned in Fayed v United Kingdom ((1994) 18 EHRR 393) and it was accepted in Rotaru v Romania ((2000) 8 BHRC 449 [44]). [read post]
26 Dec 2013, 9:01 pm by John Dean
And much Internet traffic between two foreign countries often passes through the United States. [read post]
9 Apr 2009, 8:39 am
(IP Dragon) (ContentAgenda)   Europe Study by Institute of European Media Law: Blanket licence for non-commercial copies needed (Intellectual Property Watch)   France French Parliament passes 3-strikes HADOPI law (Ars Technica) (Media Wonk) (TorrentFreak) (IPKat) (Out-Law) (Intellectual Property Watch) (TorrentFreak) (Ars Technica) (ContentAgenda) France to block Pirate Bay (TorrentFreak) AdWords: French first instance court condemns the advertiser: Onixxa v… [read post]