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14 Sep 2014, 5:39 am
That evidence was a statement by Lyons’ then-supervisor Larry Fitzgerald, who retired in 2003. [read post]
13 Mar 2013, 7:38 pm
When Larry Delassus’ received a demand from Wells Fargo that he pay two years of late property taxes on his property in order to avoid foreclosure, he was understandably surprised. [read post]
29 Mar 2018, 6:19 am
Dallas lawyers Larry Hance and John McShane then established the Collaborative Law Institute of Texas, now known as Collaborative Divorce Texas. [read post]
12 Dec 2014, 8:34 am
More than three years ago, Larry Siems and I wrote about Joe Darby, the soldier who exposed the abuses at Abu Ghraib. [read post]
16 Oct 2016, 5:58 am
Rick Perry paid his lawyers upwards of $2 million to defend him against ultimately-dismissed non-capital felony charges, but the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals thinks a trial judge was reasonable in determining $48,000 was too much to pay the second chair in a capital-murder case resulting in a life-without-parole sentence.In yet another opinion "tinged with despair," Judge Elsa Alcala's dissent, joined by Judge Larry Meyers, aptly explains how ridiculous this stance really… [read post]
2 May 2007, 9:43 am
Larry Richard, who heads up the Leadership and Development practice group for Hildebrandt recently spoke at my firm's Partner Retreat, where he opined on a number of points. [read post]
9 Aug 2019, 11:09 am
This is a review of Larry Lessig's new book, Fidelity and Constraint, and expands on my contribution to our recent Balkinization symposium on the book.Here is the abstract:Lawrence Lessig's recent book, Fidelity and Constraint: How the Supreme Court Has Read the American Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2019), restates and expands his important and influential theory of interpretive fidelity as translation.This book review is in three parts. [read post]
1 Dec 2012, 7:01 pm
All or most of the members are associate members of the ABA Forum on Franchising, according to Section Chair Larry Weinberg, who sent the message. [read post]
1 Feb 2013, 5:30 am
Laser Pegs®, maker of the toy industry’s first lighted toy construction set, recently announced it is suing Lite Brix for unfair competition and willful patent and trade dress infringement.The filed complaint suggests that at a toy fair in 2011, Capriola was approached by Larry Rosen of Larose Industries LLC with an interest in investing in Laser Pegs. [read post]
16 Jan 2020, 11:23 am
Nor have three senators agreed to sign the names "Moe, Larry, and Curly" but this is mostly because there was no agreement as to whether Shemp could be substituted for Curly. [read post]
1 Jun 2017, 3:56 am
The key to me is not just stopping with the old Larry Summers joke, but rather asking why the joke's punchline hasn't come true yet and shows no immediate prospect of doing so.The joke (if that's what it is) goes something like this: "The U.S. doesn't have a VAT because conservatives view it as a money machine, and liberals view it as a tax on the poor. [read post]
27 Nov 2012, 7:29 pm
Examples would be Cass Sunstein, who sometimes describes himself as a libertarian, and Larry Lessig, whom I have occasionally tried to persuade that he should. [read post]
7 Jul 2021, 2:01 pm
NEUWIRTH: “Breaking [Fake] News“ and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Non-Binary Perspective Expand Stefania Baroncelli / Daniel Augenstein / Orsolya Farkas: Between Private Governance and Public Regulation: Covid-19, Workers Rights and Sustainability in Global Garment Supply Chains Expand Oleksandr Vodiannikov :BLM, International Order and Epistemic Communities: International Organization after the Pandemic Expand Larry BACKER: COVID, Control, and Complicity in Rwanda: Human… [read post]
7 Jan 2020, 7:30 pm
(Pix © Larry Catá Backer 2019)I have been developing a course on transnational (or multinational; I use the terms interchangeably) enterprises. [read post]
8 Aug 2014, 10:50 am
Las Vegan Larry Basich ran up more than $400,000 in uncovered bills in February after Xerox’s system couldn’t figure out which insurer he signed up with. [read post]
3 Oct 2013, 11:05 am
The event will feature national expert Alan Muir, University of Tennessee, Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities, as well as local experts Greg Fehribach, attorney and Fellow at the Bowen Center for Public Affairs at Ball State University, Larry Markle and Donnelle Henderlong of Disability Services at Ball State University, and Michele Atterson of Student Disability Services at Butler University. [read post]
30 Mar 2018, 10:16 am
Subscribe on iTunes, GooglePlay, or SoundCloud, or listen to the podcast here:Here's what my co-host Mandy Marzullo and I talked about this month:Top StoriesConviction overturned because Tarrant County District Judge George Gallagher shocked defendant with stun belt for no valid security purpose.Texas Court of Criminal Appeals holds more court fees unconstitutional for raising revenue rather than paying for justice services.Primary election roundupRecapping Texas contested Texas DA and Court of… [read post]
25 Jan 2023, 5:10 am
Larry Hogan, who may run primarily as anti-Trump candidates, there is almost no imperative to jump first.... [read post]
10 Jul 2022, 8:50 am
…"Said Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, quoted in "Teachers go to the ‘dumbest colleges' — who said it and why it matters," a WaPo column by Valerie Strauss.But what's really bothering Strauss isn't the outrage of insulting education departments. [read post]
17 May 2014, 10:11 am
(Pix (c) Larry Catá Backer 2014)Two of my former students, Keren Wang (now in a PhD program at Penn State (Communication Arts and Sciences)) and Nabih Haddad (now in a PhD Program at Michigan State (Education)) have presented a very interesting paper at a recently concluded conference. [read post]