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28 Jan 2011, 2:34 pm
The ACLU's campaign seeks to reform Ohio's and other states' criminal justice system and end this country's addiction to incarceration that results in overly punitive sentences like that of Williams-Bolar. [read post]
2 Aug 2020, 6:25 am
The executor of William’s estate is Kennedy. [read post]
15 May 2020, 9:30 pm
William Fullerton (March 1870). [read post]
9 Oct 2010, 5:14 am
John Hall (D-N.Y.) [read post]
19 Apr 2010, 6:11 am
Today's DBR (John Pacenti) covers the Jonathan Goodman imminent appointment as magistrate judge (filling Judge Garber's seat). [read post]
5 Apr 2009, 11:30 am
Lindemann, and John D. [read post]
11 Jun 2009, 2:37 pm
John Walsh is famously the host of the television show America's Most Wanted, a television crime show that has been running for 22 years. [read post]
25 Jun 2010, 12:38 pm
Div.Citation: 2010 WY 85Docket Number: S-09-0095Appeal from the District Court of Converse County, the Honorable John C. [read post]
31 Oct 2011, 6:15 am
(0) WSJ: John McGinnis reviews Schools for Misrule (2) Worst argument in history against letting Wal-Mart into one’s neighborhood? [read post]
13 Sep 2012, 5:12 am
Miller Beyond Public/Private: Understanding Excessive Corporate Prerogative john a. powell Overcoming Structural Barriers to Integrated Housing: A Back–to–the–Future Reflection on the Fair Housing Act’s “Affirmatively Further” Mandate Robert G. [read post]
7 Oct 2014, 11:16 am
William N. [read post]
6 Nov 2008, 5:43 pm
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Clarence Thomas. [read post]
17 Jun 2013, 10:20 am
Other speakers include: Ray Turk (Price Waterhouse Coopers); Amy Arrighi (Regional Income Tax Authority); William Nolan (Ernst & Young); David Perry (KPMG, LLP) and John Slagter (Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLP). [read post]
5 Jun 2017, 4:04 am
It's been compared to John Williams' brilliant classic Stoner, and both are among the handful of best books that I read for the first time, not having previously heard of them, in the last 10-15 years. [read post]
23 Apr 2024, 4:55 am
By John R. [read post]
10 Jul 2017, 4:00 am
David Bleich, William C. [read post]
8 Nov 2012, 5:30 pm
This posting was written by John W. [read post]
3 Jul 2015, 8:14 pm
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.New Hampshire: Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew ThorntonMassachusetts: Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Hancock, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge GerryRhode Island: Stephen Hopkins, William ElleryConnecticut: Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver… [read post]
24 Sep 2014, 8:56 am
The (expected) news that Florida State Senator John Thrasher has been named FSU's new leader is here. [read post]
4 Dec 2023, 12:47 pm
ShareChief Justice John Roberts opened Monday’s argument session with a heartfelt tribute to the late retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who died Friday at age 93. [read post]