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6 Mar 2012, 3:14 pm
Thomson) argued, in effect, that privacy enhanced personhood, Reiman argued that privacy was instead more of a precondition of personhood. [read post]
25 Jul 2012, 6:13 am (Dean Gonsowski) Court Dismisses Countrywide Data Theft Suit - (Justine Gottshall) Crashing the Third Party: Experts Weigh How Far the Government Can Go in Reading Your Email - (Richard Brust) Days Five and Six of a Predictive Coding Narrative: Deep into the Weeds and a Computer Mind-meld Moment - (Ralph Losey) eDiscovery: 4 Tips for Managing the Document Review… [read post]
11 Oct 2009, 3:47 pm
The course will also provide those who intend to practice Climate Change Law & Policy in the United States a better understanding of the rationales for the international, national and state mechanisms adopted to face this major problem.Methodology. [read post]
13 Apr 2021, 11:04 am
Table of Contents Key Findings Introduction Evaluating the Federal R&D ax Credit Effectiveness of the R&D Tax Credit — Does the R&D Credit Increase R&D Spending? [read post]
12 Feb 2012, 3:20 am
He said: “The key would be to make the cards available only to members of print newsgathering organisations or magazines who have signed up the new body and its code… The public at large would know journalists carrying such cards are bone fide operators committed to a set of standards and a body to who complaints can be made…I think the beauty of the system, the attraction of the system, is it will be the newspaper industry registering and disciplining journalists, not the… [read post]