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8 Mar 2011, 6:50 am by José Manuel Gómez Porchini
Andrade Cázares cuando cita a Díaz Barriga Arceo y Rigo e indica: El enfoque por competencias en educaci&oa [read post]
4 Apr 2008, 1:00 am
: (IPBiz), One example of when taking a license makes sense: (Anything Under the Sun Made by Man), New national-level programmes echo WIPO patent treaty: (Intellectual Property Watch), Office Open XML officially approved as international standard: (IP Watch), (Ars Technica), Free, worldwide patent search site – (The Invent Blog) Global - Copyright Fordham IP law & policy conference: (Orphan works legislation in the US and around the world -… [read post]
21 Dec 2020, 10:45 pm by José Guillermo
Adoptó como su básico marco conceptual, la "teoría de la turbulencia" de Emery, es decir, cómo la introducción de un entorno caótico, abrumadoramente impredecible, con el tiempo, puede utilizarse para forzar a "Cambio de paradigma" en la mirada de los seres humanos afectados. [read post]
16 Jan 2014, 8:28 pm by ALBERTO HUAPAYA OLIVARES
 Dado en la Casa de Gobierno, en Lima, a los veintiséis días del mes de febrero del año dos mil trece. [read post]
7 Mar 2022, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
Folks disagree, dare I say reasonably, about whether the following acts count as murder:(i) killing A to protect the lives of B, C, & D (assuming all parties are innocent),(ii) killing A upon her request to end her suffering (especially when A is not terminally ill), (iii) doing something that one knows will result in A’s death, but intending to do something morally permissible (such as save one’s own life, avoiding a greater evil etc) and wishing there was… [read post]
6 Nov 2015, 10:39 am by José Guillermo
Nuestro sistema previsional debe dejar de ser un obstáculo a la búsqueda de la vivienda propia y a la mejora educativa, que son evidencia cristalina de cómo las personas se preocupan por su futuro. [read post]
17 Nov 2009, 7:10 am
La razón de ser de este procedimiento se encuentra en establecer una vía rápida para el cobro de las deudas procedentes de las relaciones comerciales y de aquéllas derivadas de una comunidad de propietarios siempre que no excedan de 30.000 euros (Anexos de Real Decreto 1417/2001, de 17 de diciembre, por el que se procede a la conversión a euros de las cuantías establecidas en la Ley 1/2000, de Enjuiciamiento… [read post]
26 Feb 2018, 10:50 am by David Grant Crooks
Some of the key definitions under the TCPA include: “(2) ‘Exercise of the right of association’ means a communication between individuals who join together to collectively express, promote, pursue, or defend common interests. (3) ‘Exercise of the right of free speech’ means a communication made in connection with a matter of public concern. . . . (7) ‘Matter of public concern’ includes an issue related to: (A) health or safety; (B) environmental,… [read post]
5 Oct 2024, 9:05 pm by Zoe Verni
I like the question, “what does a university attorney do,” because the answer is everything from A to Z: A is for antitrust, affirmative action, and athletics; B is for bankruptcy; C is for COVID-19, construction, copyright, and contracts; D is for discrimination; E is for environmental law, ethics, and encampments; F is for financial aid; G is for grievances; … and Z is for zoning. [read post]
17 May 2023, 6:20 am by Kevin LaCroix
[v]  They also suggest that the breadth of the “associated person” definition might mean that employees/consultants/advisers of a subsidiary in a non-UK jurisdiction, are regarded as “associated persons” of the UK parent company. [read post]