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10 May 2015, 12:06 pm
” Ultimately, the determination surrounding this situation will be factual in nature and this blog is never one to cast the first stone when it comes to the challenges of applying well-intentioned regulation in the real world. [read post]
15 Jan 2021, 9:30 pm
Joanne Freeman ad Geoffrey Stone on sedition (NYT). [read post]
6 Dec 2016, 9:56 am
It turns out that Pinus pinea is the Italian Stone Pine, which is native to Europe, north Africa and the Mediterranean, which would exclude both China and Korea and is in contrast to the Pinus koraiensis.Seeds of Pinus koraiensis via WikipediaWhat this comes down to is whether the seeds of the Pinus koraiensis are within the common and commercial meaning of "pignola nuts," giving due weight to the Explanatory Notes additional notation of "Pinus pinea. [read post]
28 Aug 2017, 7:00 am
Today, we and the ACLU of Maryland filed a lawsuit to challenge President Trump’s cruel policy on behalf of Petty Officer First Class Brock Stone, Staff Sergeant Kate Cole, Senior Airmen John Doe, Technical Sergeant Tommie Parker, Airman First Class Seven Ero George, and Petty Officer First Class Teagan Gilbert. [read post]
6 Apr 2022, 3:02 am
The very first step is setting up sanctioned camp areas with hygiene services like toilets, shower, laundry, and garbage removal services, to act as a stepping stone. [read post]
16 Nov 2021, 7:16 am
If you have had a car windshield crack from a stone thrown at it by a truck, you can appreciate the potential for damage from small objects with high velocity. [read post]
3 Dec 2018, 5:28 am
Though it might ire the wrath of those reggae fans who may fail to see the connection between ice cream and the music’s "contribution to international discourse on issues of injustice, resistance, love and humanity underscores the dynamics of the element as being at once cerebral, socio-political, sensual and spiritual" as UNESCO pointed out, it is some comfort to know that the proceeds of ice-cream sales are destined to aid a charitable cause.Other cultural traditions which made the… [read post]
4 Feb 2014, 7:13 am
The defendants made several improvements: they extended the fence, built waterfalls a koi pond and stone deck, added a putting green and sand trap. [read post]
1 Aug 2022, 6:54 am
I realized that the rock that I was using to keep the lid on my dustbin was a stone that had been dragged around. [read post]
9 Dec 2014, 9:11 am
Legend has it that trolls turn to stone when faced with sunlight. [read post]
19 May 2014, 9:09 am
Matt Damon Secret for staying young: Go for a long walk every day Favorite plays: The Book of Mormon Favorite TV program: Breaking Bad Favorite artist: JMW Turner Favorite composers: Bach Favorite album: Déjà vu – Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Favorite musical group: Son Volt Favorite place to find albums: Good Records Favorite movie: O Brother Where Art Thou The last movie I saw was: Nebraska… [read post]
23 Apr 2018, 9:00 am
.* The author of this NYPPL blog entry, Harvey Randall, Esq. drafted and implemented Article 8-B of the Education Law, the State University of New York's Optional Retirement Program, and advised Robert Stone, Esq., then Counsel, New York State Department of Education and Arthur Kahn, Esq. then Counsel, New York City Board of Higher Education, with respect to the drafting of the statutes establishing Optional Retirement Programs for those entities. ** Article VI, §7(a) provides as… [read post]
21 Mar 2019, 5:18 am
An article from the NYT about the college admissions scheme The documents related to Michael Cohen’s search warrant, including analysis from the NYT on the released materials An article from the Washington Post about imposing term limits on Supreme Court Justices A report from the Washington Post on Roger Stone’s upcoming trial in DC, set for November 2019 Rick Gates’ status report, submitted by Mueller’s team on 3/15/19 A report from NBC News that Deputy Attorney… [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 5:36 pm
There was the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at the University of Virginia, which was named in an alleged gang rape in a Rolling Stone article. [read post]
5 Apr 2013, 5:31 am
Seminars offered at meetings of professional associations such as AALL chapters provide stepping stones to explore. [read post]
16 Nov 2021, 7:16 am
If you have had a car windshield crack from a stone thrown at it by a truck, you can appreciate the potential for damage from small objects with high velocity. [read post]
19 Mar 2022, 6:40 am
There was a time when people discussed the question whether The Dave Clark Five were better than The Beatles — kind of a warm-up to the decades-long question whether The Rolling Stones were better than The Beatles. [read post]
26 Jun 2014, 4:22 am
Merpel likes the bit of the judgment that goes:"As every judge is aware, even basic factual circumstances can be diffracted through legal argument and expert opinion so that what is in plain truth a stone can become as amorphous as sand". [read post]
1 Aug 2018, 5:43 am
One can't squeeze blood from a stone. [read post]
27 Apr 2021, 9:30 pm
Michael Goodson Law Library, Duke UniversityThe editors of the Black Book have produced a veritable Rosetta Stone for an important part of the Holmes oeuvre.... [read post]