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15 Dec 2006, 1:04 pm
I actually have a nagging suspicion that most child pornography is made outside the United   States. [read post]
15 Oct 2010, 7:52 am by Transplanted Lawyer
Executive officers swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. [read post]
23 Jun 2009, 7:00 am
 The City prevailed on all issues but the general plan consistency issue pertaining to whether or not the City properly “coordinated” with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. [read post]
18 Dec 2018, 9:10 pm by Anthony Gaughan
Supreme Court case of Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. [read post]
4 Apr 2011, 4:59 am by Matthew Flinn
This is true at the time of the commission of the offence, and remains true when the offender is imprisoned, as has been recognised in the case of Hirst v United Kingdom (No. 2) (2006) 42 EHRR 41. [read post]
28 Apr 2020, 5:45 pm by Russell Knight
The Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution requires that everyone get proper notice of any court action. [read post]
28 Apr 2020, 5:45 pm by Russell Knight
The Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution requires that everyone get proper notice of any court action. [read post]
29 Apr 2010, 5:17 am by Matt Sundquist
By contrast, the Judicial Conference of the United States, which is principally responsible for making policies for the administration of federal courts, has generally moved in the opposite direction from the states. [read post]
4 Feb 2018, 4:05 pm by INFORRM
This will be the first ever live broadcast public hearing of a House of Commons Select Committee outside the United Kingdom. [read post]
2 Dec 2024, 5:01 am by Eugene Volokh
The law reads as it does to advance the state's significant interest in protecting the lives and well-being of covered persons. [read post]
21 Jan 2008, 5:37 pm
V) MALVEAUX: Congressman Clyburn earlier said today, "I think he can afford to tone it down. [read post]
21 Sep 2020, 9:14 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
There have been smart, enterprising, and strong women in the United States since its founding, but a woman has been on the Supreme Court only since September 25, 1981. [read post]
25 Mar 2024, 2:13 am by INFORRM
The hospital’s chief executive stated that “all appropriate regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken and Kensington Palace confirmed that the report was “a matter for the London Clinic. [read post]