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24 Jul 2015, 10:00 am
That fact that proposals to lock up copyright works for an additional two, three or four decades or more isn't even considered newsworthy is something that we want to urgently change—especially now that six countries around the Pacific Rim are facing that very prospect, all at the same time, with the impending conclusion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that could enshrine a life plus 70 year copyright term in stone. [read post]
28 Oct 2022, 12:00 am by Hayleigh Bosher
” Leaving no stone left unturned, chapter nine provides a detailed explanation of costs recovery in the IPEC, including the applicable rules in all possible scenarios. [read post]
15 May 2023, 10:18 am by Second Circuit Civil Rights Blog
Trump himself has made critical statements on social media regarding the grand jury foreperson in Atlanta, Georgia, and the jury foreperson in the Roger Stone criminal case. [read post]
20 Dec 2013, 10:06 am
[The Board sustained this opposition to registration of STONE LION CAPITAL for "financial services, namely, investment advisory services, management of investment funds, and fund investment services" [CAPITAL disclaimed], finding the mark likely to cause confusion with the registered marks LION and LION CAPITAL for various financial services [CAPITAL disclaimed]].StonCor Group, Inc. v. [read post]
18 Aug 2014, 8:58 am by Florian Mueller
In February I wrote that "[w]e m[ight] very well see one or more mandamus petitions in this context" because "these defendants won't leave a stone unturned in their attempts to move the matter out of Texas. [read post]
30 Jan 2013, 11:58 pm by Peter Fleischer
 Italy was simply viewed as out of step with how other advanced countries are dealing with these issues, or as one journalist put it more colorfully:  “Italy risks internet Stone Age with trial of Google Executives. [read post]
7 May 2017, 12:00 am by Smita Ghosh
Stone’s Sex and the Constitution: Sex, Religion, and Law From America’s Origins to the Twenty-First Century is “a story not of inexorable progress toward greater freedom, but rather a different kind of narrative, in which the laws and conventions around sex have moved from more to less permissive and back again many times over. [read post]
20 Dec 2020, 11:48 am by Steve Kalar
Hard-fought appeal by ND Cal CJA stalwart James Thomson, along with Ethan Stone. [read post]
3 Dec 2012, 7:38 am
Por supuesto, la investigación está aún en marcha, pero si este resulta ser un caso de entrenamiento negligente por parte de la empresa de autobuses, los abogados de Greenberg, Stone y Urbano, P.A. pueden ayudar. [read post]
11 Feb 2015, 8:32 am
In the words of the article, private label goods are “a low-margin business, but often a stepping stone to selling branded goods to the same retailer. [read post]
14 Apr 2016, 7:00 am
"Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. [read post]
18 Nov 2016, 6:00 am by Guest Blogger
African gardens feature extensive use of rocks or stones and exceptionally hardy plants. [read post]
15 Feb 2022, 9:09 am by Konstantinos Komaitis
However, according to Rolling Stone magazine, “the abrupt removal exposes a double standard in Spotify’s policy,” considering that, in January of 2020, Justin Bieber asked his fans to help artificially boost his song “Yummy” by “putting it on loop or downloading VPNs”. [read post]
5 May 2019, 7:48 am by Daniel Shaviro
Rather than being a concert movie like the original 1970 release about this epochal event, it focuses on how the organizers put the concert together, why people went there and what they felt they got out of it, and how everyone got through the challenging circumstances of a prolonged mass concert experience with inadequate facilities, drenching rain, etcetera.6) The Quiet One - documentary about former Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman, featuring a dip into his massive archives that go… [read post]
18 Feb 2014, 8:53 pm by Florian Mueller
I believe these defendants won't leave a stone unturned in their attempts to move the matter out of Texas.While all of this delays resolution of the actual infringement issues, even the procedural maneuvering that is going on at this stage does involve some arguments touching on the substance of these cases. [read post]
31 Aug 2018, 3:39 pm by Barbara van Schewick
  The bill is co-authored by Senators Ben Allen, Bill Dodd, Jerry Hill, Mike McGuire, Bill Monning, Nancy Skinner, and Connie Leyva, and Assembly Members Richard Bloom, Rob Bonta, Sabrina Cervantes, David Chiu, Laura Friedman, Ash Kalra, Monique Limón, Kevin McCarty, Kevin Mullin, Adrin Nazarian, Miguel Santiago, Mark Stone  and Phil Ting. [read post]
31 Aug 2014, 9:07 am
Obesity increases the amount of cholesterol in bile, which can cause stone formation.Rapid weight loss. [read post]