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27 Jan 2023, 4:00 am
We are thus firmly in the domain of utilitas not honestas, to recapitulate the classical moral categories: NPU-ness describes “utilities” that are public or common, relating to the res publica or “commonwealth. [read post]
23 Sep 2014, 7:42 am
(See, e.g., Rosenberg v. [read post]
5 Mar 2024, 5:00 am
Two credit cards, both from the same issuer (say, for example, Citibank) using the same network (say, for example, Visa) obtained in the same week under the same credit rating (e.g., a certain FICO score) do not necessarily—or even likely—offer the same bundle of terms. [read post]
1 Oct 2019, 6:40 am
As to her estate, Plaintiff testified on re-direct and re-cross concerning her purchase of a rental property for roughly $95,000 with money loaned to her by a friend. [read post]
29 Oct 2020, 4:00 am
In Getting to Yes, Fisher and Ury discussed a series of examples they called “tricky tactics”.[5] These are not tactics they endorse, but what they view as techniques employed by the “hard bargainer”, and they caution against matching style with style.[6] The following is drawn from their list of tricky tactics with my embellishments: use of phony facts that are not material (e.g.: suggesting something is more meaningful than it is, to trade it for something else… [read post]
24 Aug 2010, 3:07 pm
No one should have any information about us without our permission, which governments should oversee because we’re too stupid to know when not to give it! [read post]
7 Jul 2010, 10:55 pm
Because it's possible to procure eggs and dairy without causing harm to the animal, they're inherently less offensive than flesh. [read post]
Beecher-Monas Proposes to Abandon Common Sense, Science, and Expert Witnesses for Specific Causation
11 Sep 2015, 3:23 pm
Law reviews are not peer reviewed, not that peer review is a strong guarantor of credibility, accuracy, and truth. [read post]
29 Dec 2021, 5:01 am
Finally, DHS further insists that unlike an entry into a home to search for evidence of a crime, a child protective home assessment is nothing more than a "minimally invasive spot-check" for evidence of neglect (e.g., like confirmation that the home had basic utilities, food and beds). [read post]
3 Oct 2013, 9:53 pm
The number of applications received may include re-filings by applicants whose cases were initially rejected at the Lockbox. [read post]
9 Aug 2023, 9:01 pm
Within the US banking system, there are likely to be competitive shifts as banking institutions that do not engage in activities most impacted by the Capital Proposal (e.g., trading activities, fee or commission-based activities) benefit on a [read post]
29 Jun 2023, 7:49 am
Every application is re- viewed first by an admissions office reader, who assigns a numerical rating to each of several categories. [read post]
29 Jun 2023, 7:49 am
Every application is re- viewed first by an admissions office reader, who assigns a numerical rating to each of several categories. [read post]
26 May 2019, 8:22 pm
All expect, to some extent, that Cuban influence will be dependent on Cuba’s ability to re-engage with global production, on whatever terms it might be able to attain. [read post]
9 Aug 2024, 3:57 pm
Christopher Buccafusco, Copyrighting Style There are plenty of precedents that say style isn’t ©able. [read post]
14 Jun 2019, 1:57 pm
Different categories of conceptualism: formalists (e.g. [read post]
4 Nov 2013, 5:35 am
(e.g., Learned Hand, "How Far is a Judge Free in Rendering a Decision? [read post]
11 Jul 2010, 9:03 pm
(I’ve heard vegans say to other vegans, for example, “You’re not vegan if you eat soy cheese with casein! [read post]
2 Sep 2019, 6:05 am
As the protest in Hong Kong entered its 13th week, a public dialogue that runs parallel to the protest has been unfolding between and among state actors. [read post]
22 May 2014, 7:15 am
The Court came down with In re Marriage of Valli (2014) __ C4th ___; Case No. [read post]