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13 Mar 2011, 8:36 am by Aparna Chandra
I have co-authored this post with Mrinal Satish, JSD Candidate at Yale Law School. [read post]
15 Mar 2007, 5:00 am
 JOHNSON, KLEIN, KRUGER, LANZA, LARKIN, LAVALLE, LEIBELL, LIBOUS, LITTLE, MALTESE, MARCELLINO, MAZIARZ, NOZZOLIO, ONORATO, OPPENHEIMER, PADAVAN, RATH, ROBACH, SALAND, SAMPSON, SAVINO, SEWARD, SKELOS, SMITH, STACHOWSKI, STAVISKY, STEWART-COUSINS, TRUNZO, VALESKY, WINNER, WRIGHT, YOUNG Amd Ment Hyg L, generally; add S837-r, amd SS508, 259-a, 259-i & 259-j, Exec L; amd SS168-a, 5, 402, 404 & 500-a, add S622, Cor L; amd SS390.50, 380.50, 190.71, 720.35, 725.15, 200.50 & 1.20,… [read post]
17 Feb 2025, 9:01 pm by renholding
Recently, corporations and fiduciaries have faced enhanced litigation risk arising from entire fairness claims challenging related-party transactions and other transactions implicating unique interests of corporate fiduciaries. [read post]
14 Feb 2010, 2:36 pm by Martin George
This thinking is based on the assumption that parties which derogated the jurisdiction of state courts do not want to re-litigate their dispute there.9 Any intervention of state authorities in the realm of arbitration is considered to be an intrusion.10 Basically, this system is rooted in a deep distrust of state intervention in arbitration proceedings. [read post]
24 Sep 2011, 3:58 am
City of Redondo Court: U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Docket: 06-56869, 06-55750 September 16, 2011 Judge: Smith Areas of Law: Civil Rights, Constitutional Law, Government & Administrative Law, Labor & Employment Law Day-laborer organizations challenged a city anti-solicitation ordinance that barred individuals from standing on a street or highway and soliciting, or attempting to solicit, business, or contributions from an occupant of any motor vehicle. [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 4:34 pm by Michael Markarian
As the gavel comes down on the 113th Congress (which spanned January 2013 to December 2014) and the new 114th Congress begins its work today, it’s a good time to take stock of what was achieved and what lies ahead for animals in the New Year. [read post]
21 Jan 2015, 7:57 am by Michael Markarian
Editor's note: This post was originally published at 7:34 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 As the gavel comes down on the 113th Congress (which spanned January 2013 to December 2014), and the new 114th Congress begins its work today, it’s a good time to take stock of what was achieved and what lies ahead for animals in the New Year. [read post]
17 Mar 2007, 6:23 pm
"Professor Gordon Smith hosted Blawg Review #4 on Law & Entrepreneurship News. [read post]
5 Jan 2019, 3:06 pm by familoo
In November a journalist I know and respect took to social media to air her concerns about the probity of family court process as regards transcripts of hearings. [read post]
13 Jul 2011, 8:58 am by Josh Wright
The analogy is a superficially attractive one, and we’re tempted to entertain it, so far as it goes. [read post]
9 Dec 2022, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
They are among the first known subpoenas issued by Smith, who was named to oversee the U.S. [read post]
8 Aug 2012, 5:29 am by Rob Robinson (Michael Arkfeld, Stephanie Loquvam) Be Considerate When You Share Data - (Amy Bowser-Rollins) Challenges of Conducting eDiscovery on Ephemeral Data - (Brian Esser, Judy Selby) Concept over Keywords – Why Search Still Matters for Law Firms - (Simon Price) CVEDR Take II – Monkeys and Magistrates in Monterey - (Greg Buckles)… [read post]
31 Dec 2023, 3:50 am by Bill Henderson
Now, roughly a century later, they’re tilting right. [read post]
15 Nov 2018, 10:30 pm by Public Employment Law Press
Under the 2016 policy, when an inmate is subject to an ICE detainer and warrant, the inmate is retained at a Suffolk County correctional facility by the Sheriff but the paperwork is "re-written" to reflect that the inmate is in federal custody. [read post]
18 May 2019, 9:27 am by MOTP
But many default judgments in collection cases brought on consumer debt in Texas are never challenged, and many old judgments containing hefty attorney’s fees re-surface years later when the creditor (or its assignee) files an application for a writ of garnishment to freeze and seize a judgment-debtor’s bank account.ROHRMOOS VENTURE, ERIC LANGFORD, DAN BASSO, AND TOBIN GROVE, Petitioners,v.UTSW DVA HEALTHCARE, LLP, Respondent.No. 16-0006.Supreme Court of Texas.Argued October 31,… [read post]
17 Mar 2014, 5:28 am by Rebecca Tushnet
You know, for a judge who loves the First Amendment and free speech so much when it comes to the right of publicity and nominative fair use, Judge Kozinski can seem oddly unconcerned about it in other areas of IP, like dilution, secondary liability, and, here, copyright. [read post]