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8 Sep 2022, 5:35 am
If so, they may publish if they know they're protected by the "actual malice" standard, but refrain from publishing if they are subject to the negligence standard. [read post]
29 Jul 2023, 2:23 pm
California (1973), though with extra detail added by Smith v. [read post]
6 Jan 2012, 10:05 am
But they’re wrong. [read post]
8 Jul 2019, 2:45 am
First cases exposed between June 8 and June 15 with the newer cases being exposed June 21 and 22. [read post]
26 Mar 2017, 4:06 pm
’ Chris Silver Smith on Search Engine Land has given some advice to defamation victims who wish to proceed in the current climate, given that Google has “essentially halted processing of defamation removal requests. [read post]
15 Oct 2010, 3:17 am
" Bryan Smith, the Yakima attorney who represents the Clezie family, declined to comment on the status of the family's legal claim against the hospital. [read post]
30 Nov 2015, 4:04 am
However, the Supreme Court’s decision in In re Walt Disney Co. [read post]
26 Aug 2024, 9:37 am
[If you’re not a 230 nerd, you might stop reading here.] * * * Procedural Note The opinion is written by Judge Siler, a senior 6th Circuit judge guest-sitting in the 9th Circuit. [read post]
9 Jun 2008, 12:39 am
The only way they're going to change is by Congress regulating them" (Lipcon 4-5). [read post]
21 Apr 2015, 2:38 pm
Approximately four to five hours after her arrest, Father arrived at the precinct and dropped the criminal charges. [read post]
12 Mar 2022, 1:09 pm
Smith, "The Nationalities Policy of the Chinese Communist Party and the Socialist Transformation of Tibet," in Resistance and Reform in Tibet 53, 67-68 (Robert Barnett & Shirin Akiner eds. 1994). [read post]
8 May 2019, 12:44 pm
in addition, before the hearing the highest ranking Republicans on the Subcommittees for Select Revenue Measures, Worker and Family Support, and Social Security respectively, Representatives Kevin Brady, Adrian Smith, Jackie Walorski, and Tom Reed, sent a letter to Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA), urging the emphasis of incentives over “one size, fits all mandates. [read post]
6 Apr 2008, 11:50 am
Picture me sitting in a giant auditorium tackling the essay portion of my BAR examination when my least favorite subject rears its ugly head. . . [read post]
18 Jul 2012, 5:57 am (Greg Jacobs) Privacy and Security Surrounding The Cloud - Article 29 Working Paper Guidance - (Kate Gorey) Race to the HighCourt: Hoosier Racing Seeks High Court Review of Third Circuit’s Slashing of eDiscovery Cost Award – (Mark Sidoti) Recruiter Misuse of Social Media Can Increase Risk of Liability - (Alexander Nemiroff) Re-Thinking and Rejecting… [read post]
29 Sep 2016, 12:20 am
However, Binchy J declined to grant injunctions requiring Facebook either to remove allegedly defamatory posts from the account or to prevent the material in them from being re-posted, on the grounds that Facebook could rely on the defence of innocent publication in section 27 of the 2009 Act and on the hosting immunity conferred by Regulation 18 of the European Communities (Directive 2000/31/EC) Regulations 2003 (SI No 68 of 2003) (transposing Article 14 of the e-Commerce… [read post]
14 Feb 2012, 7:30 pm
E.g., Smith v. [read post]
5 Apr 2010, 3:37 am
I was asked to write a Blawg Review celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of the Statute of Anne. [read post]
29 Mar 2020, 8:28 am
As of March 17, 2020, 39 people infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O103 have been reported from six states – Florida (1), Illinois (6), Iowa (3), Missouri (1), Texas (1) and Utah (27). [read post]
26 Jan 2010, 1:26 pm
U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, January 19, 2010 Smith v. [read post]
16 Apr 2007, 7:58 am
"The price of candour - The Guardian "Blair unenthusiastically inherited FoI from John Smith and dragged his feet in 1997. [read post]