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15 Jun 2015, 5:34 am
He sent a campus-wide email to the school's staff saying there had been a specific threat to C-wing and directed Bell, who had been specifically mentioned in the tweets, to remain in the office.In re L.F., supra.Next, the local District Attorney fileda juvenile wardship petition alleging Minor had made felony criminal threats against `FAIRFIELD HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND STAFF. [read post]
24 May 2010, 8:33 pm
Murray, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, Simon & Schuster, 1994, page 176)    [read post]
24 May 2010, 8:33 pm by Daniel Clement
Murray, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, Simon & Schuster, 1994, page 176)    [read post]
15 Jun 2009, 7:00 pm
"Re: litigation stress don't feel bad, I go to Starbux when I get stressed out and they know me by name," was the reassurance offered by paralegal Jennifer Taylor (@JenTaylor1015).Unfortunately, a midday Starbucks only makes me more jittery than I was before I hid in my car for lunch.Finally, paralegal Karen Jessop (@mrsktj) assured me that, "I sneak out to eat Taco Bell alone in my car...that is way more pathetic! [read post]
22 Mar 2010, 8:09 am by Michael Lowe
Media reports are that the Adventurous Goat led the 4 on-duty cops, the motorcycle cop, and the 2 animal control guys (that’s 7 men, if you’re counting) from 42nd Street, through the Taco Bell parking lot, thru Memorial Gardens Park, into the UT-Permian Basin campus over to where the dorms are located. [read post]
4 Dec 2008, 9:20 pm
"It will give us a much deeper bench that will benefit out clients immediately, because we're expanding our areas of practice, industry knowledge, and geographic presence. [read post]
25 Sep 2011, 7:44 am by Kelly Phillips Erb
Okay, you already know how savings bonds work… They’re backed by the federal government so the principal is guaranteed. [read post]
20 Jul 2011, 2:45 am by Michael Geist
Katz re-iterated the perspective yesterday, telling Bell: One of the reasons we are here is because there has been a finding that competition isn't sufficient in this country and so we want to find a way of creating more competition. [read post]
15 Jun 2017, 3:29 am
" In re United Trademark Holdings, Inc., Serial No. 86836082 (June 13, 2017) [precedential] (Opinion by Judge Bergsman). [read post]
20 May 2020, 8:17 am by ACLU
This week, we’re airing the 100th episode of the ACLU’s podcast, At Liberty. [read post]
24 Dec 2018, 2:03 am
Vizcaino's recent email urging members to re-up:What has FACDL-Miami done for you? [read post]
15 Jul 2014, 12:26 pm
Most consumer items track a bell curve but some things are totally elastic or totally inelastic. [read post]
23 Jun 2014, 6:35 am by Eva Galperin and Jillian York
 The statement reads: We always strive to make the best, most informed decisions we can when we're compelled to reactively withhold identified content in specific jurisdictions around the world. [read post]