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21 May 2009, 3:00 am
To view our list of petitions to watch at today's conference, click here. [read post]
15 Oct 2008, 8:08 pm
  Click here for the story.Please be sure to visit, the website for the law firm of Harding & Associates, for more information on California family law. [read post]
9 Jan 2007, 11:00 am
 (click on painting to see more narrative artwork by Jacob Lawrence)Mediation to Correct the Epistemological Error in the Adversarial Legal NarrativeWe tell ourselves stories in order to live, wrote novelist and essayist Joan Didion. [read post]
22 May 2007, 12:58 pm
Click To Play Video Microsoft’s Associate General Counsel, Ira Rubenstein visited to the Berkman Center on March 9, 2007 to discuss privacy policies from the perspective of the corporation and the consumer. [read post]
25 Jan 2011, 7:21 am by structuredsettlements
Please click on the title for the full content, If you find yourself on FAEMM community, back out and type in www. [read post]
3 Feb 2011, 6:27 am by structuredsettlements
Please click on the title for the full content, If you find yourself on FAEMM community, back out and type in www. [read post]
14 Nov 2011, 12:23 pm by structuredsettlements
Please click on the title for the full content, If you find yourself on FAEMM community, back out and type in www. [read post]
8 Dec 2011, 11:00 am by structuredsettlements
Please click on the title for the full content, If you find yourself on FAEMM community, back out and type in www. [read post]
24 May 2010, 2:38 am by legalwritingprofessors
Early registration (full conference access): $495 (paid on or before June 1, 2010) Late registration (full conference access): $540 (after June 1, 2010) Click... [read post]
23 Aug 2013, 7:29 am by Clay
 Click here for the deal: [read post]
6 Jan 2014, 7:57 am by Lynne Butler
Click here to read the article, which has some good, practical, ideas on how to distribute personal and household items that are [read post]