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2 Nov 2015, 2:34 pm
It didn't take long for Harvard legal scholar Larry Lessig, the cofounder of Creative Commons, to drop his US presidency bid as a Democrat. [read post]
28 Mar 2018, 10:46 am
This episode features two short conversations with Dean & Professor of Law Michael Hunter Schwartz of the University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law and Professor Larry Krieger of the Florida State University College of Law and is moderated by Professor Susan Wawrose of the University of Dayton School of Law. [read post]
13 Jul 2007, 6:07 pm
Phillips & Cohen's Erika Kelton and Larry Zoglin won't be needing it. [read post]
7 Jun 2011, 11:00 am
"To paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy, I don't care who you are, that's genius! [read post]
18 Dec 2009, 6:07 pm
There are in no particular order and in the case of The Blind Side, was just reissued in 2009 to tie-in with the movie (which you should go see if you haven’t).If you have any other suggestions, please leave them in the comments.Open: An Autobiography by Andre AgassiWhen the Game Was Ours by Larry Bird, Earvin “Magic” Johnson with Jackie MacMullanBottom of the Ninth: Branch Rickey, Casey Stengel, and the Daring Scheme to Save Baseball from Itselff, by Michael… [read post]
1 Dec 2008, 10:10 pm
Legal Pad • The Shark And LTN board members: • Ernie the Attorney • Larry Bodine LawMarketing Blog Plus - Bob Ambrogi & J. [read post]
26 Aug 2021, 2:02 pm
The most recent fundraising numbers showed that Governor Newsom had ten times more money to spend than the top-polling Republican in the race, conservative radio show host Larry Elder. [read post]
8 Aug 2007, 12:42 pm
I'll turn the commentary over to Larry Ribstein (anti-conviction) and Elizabeth Nowicki (hang em high). [read post]
19 Sep 2020, 11:43 am
” And Larry Buchanan and Karen Yourish of The New York Times report that “Ginsburg Supreme Court Vacancy Is the Second Closest to a U.S. [read post]
11 Oct 2009, 1:25 pm
Donald Payne; the superintendent of Kalaupapa National Historic Park, Stephen Prokop; Bishop of Honolulu Larry Silva; and President of the Catholic Health Association of the United States Sister Carol Ann Keehan. [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 2:32 pm
“Crusading attorney” Larry Klayman goes at it with his former client, Washington Times editorial-page editor Richard Minter. [read post]
25 Jun 2009, 8:25 am
Again, I have to give credit to Larry Smith and Richard Levick of Levick Strategic Communications and their 365 Marketing Meditations: Daily Lessons for Marketing and Communications Professionals for the timing of this post. [read post]
3 Apr 2011, 5:54 pm
Google’s dream originally envisioned by Larry Page, one of the company’s founders and soon to be chief executive, was to “unlock the wisdom imprisoned in the world’s out-of-print books. [read post]
22 Jan 2010, 11:48 am
Montalbano's vehicle was pushed backwards into a fourth vehicle, a 1998 Ford Mustang, driven by Larry Brownlee. [read post]
7 Jul 2011, 6:57 pm
JONES WARD PLC attorney Larry Jones said, "I'm always skeptical when I read reports like this suggesting that the occupants were not wearing seatbelts. [read post]
5 Mar 2010, 8:00 pm
Larry Stoney of the DBFD. [read post]
9 Jul 2009, 7:38 pm
Chip Shields and to Larry Roberta and Scott Ashby for their testimony. [read post]
11 Jul 2007, 8:57 am
I've offered some comments to the paper here; Larry Ribstein's comments are here; Barbara Black's here; and George Dent's here. [read post]
23 Jun 2009, 12:18 pm
Levick and Larry Smith of Levick Strategic Communications from their little handbook entitled 365 Marketing Meditations: Daily Lessons For Marketing & Communications Professionals. [read post]
11 Aug 2021, 12:37 pm
There’s no Reagan on the scene now, unless it’s radio talk host Larry Elder, who seems ahead in the race to succeed Newsom if he’s recalled. [read post]