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7 Sep 2011, 10:25 am by Tom Smith
The problem, Tom, is so many Americans don't have much to sacrifice because they don't have jobs, you unbearable twit. [read post]
6 Jun 2017, 5:39 am by SHG
At $75,560, housing a prisoner in California now costs more than a year at Harvard — deray mckesson (@deray) June 5, 2017 Deray’s twit brought the expected reactions, as if this means that if we just shut down the prisons, we send everybody to Harvard (or Stanford, since this is California, after all). [read post]
17 Feb 2010, 7:09 pm by Ken
However, he’s a twit for comparing being criticized on the internet to being persecuted in the witch trials. [read post]
8 Aug 2017, 5:11 am by SHG
To discuss equality on a theoretical level, where the only question is whether you can twit in support of your tribe and are willing to go to a march in a pink hat where everybody will hold hands, sing songs and have a grand time, is nonsense. [read post]
29 Jul 2012, 11:02 am by Michael Froomkin
Update (7/30): Here’s a taste of the article: The Sun even went so far as to dub him “Mitt the Twit. [read post]
24 Sep 2019, 1:06 pm by Steve Gottlieb
We have Trump to thank for making suckers out of the people who thought he’d rebuild their jobs, their towns, their cities and their ways of life, and sacrificing them instead to twits about foreign countries. [read post]
5 Oct 2010, 5:55 am by Keith Lee
  There is never a need to post a funny, cool or impressive twit that trumps the interest of your clients. [read post]
24 Apr 2009, 8:19 am
It crashed several times as I tried to post pics through Twit Pic. [read post]
19 Oct 2021, 1:12 pm by Steve Gottlieb
Some respond that Trump’s twits and talk made a huge difference. [read post]
3 Apr 2011, 6:52 am by Gustavo Arballo
17 mar |  JPVarsky Gracias a @gerarfernandez, redescubrí esta muy recomendable nota de Jorge Fernández Díaz La hora de los no políticos -… 16 mar  | lucasllach Si Twitter es tiempo malgastado, ¿qué son esas "reuniones" o "almuerzos" con semi-conocidos cuyo contenido puede resumirse en 1 o 2 twits? [read post]
1 Apr 2009, 4:00 am
"  Sample tweets include: Five lawyers leave Holland & Knight in part because of conflicts of interest [] Holland & Knight firm downsizes by 230 jobs By Scott Barancik [] Former Holland & Knight Partner May Face Disbarment [] Holland & Knight had been fired by HUD for conflicts of interest [] Resolution Trust Company sues Holland & Knight [] @hklawtwits is at [] based… [read post]
1 Jul 2009, 7:27 pm
Apparently unimpressed with the off-target misfiring of the consumer advocacy twits, Goldman Sachs has decided to continue to hang tough with its own loan modification policies. [read post]
1 Sep 2012, 6:49 am by Renee Newman Knake
I'll start with a question Monroe Freedmanasked, which gets to what I think is an important debate sparked by the ABA's latest revisions to the Model Rules: "I'm not a twit, or use facebook or linkedin or utube or whatever else, because I find them a waste of time and an invasion of privacy, and I'm not willing to agree to their terms. [read post]
9 Mar 2010, 4:52 am by SHG
  It's a dog eat dog business, you know.For those of you who are busy spending big bucks trying to spam the internets to get your website on the first page of Google, or hiring newly minted experts to teach you how to twit your way to wealth and success, maybe you would do better to think with your stomach. [read post]
28 Oct 2010, 7:03 pm by Buce
The question of whether he must say more and sure enough, we have an opposition noisemaker who feels perfectly comfortable in twitting the candidate for his supposed laxity: Michael Bennet, you see, rejects religion. [read post]
18 Feb 2009, 12:00 am
  Not even on a per twit basis. [read post]
3 Feb 2012, 8:28 am by Ken
Many of them (twit, crazy, thug, bumptious, freakishly ignorant about fundamental issues of American law) are statements of pure opinion, and thus absolutely privileged under the First Amendment. [read post]
31 Dec 2018, 6:05 am by SHG
Yet, the woke didn’t shame her, and she felt no shame in coming out publicly as a lunatic, even though anyone less “oppressed” would have been excoriated for such a twit. [read post]
22 Jan 2023, 3:41 am by SHG
In a subsequent twit, now deleted, Browder twitted that his A.I. lawbot has subpoenaed the officer to court, evoking howls of damnation from lawyers everywhere because it was the stupidest possible thing he could have done, even though he didn’t realize it because he’s not a lawyer and, apparently, his A.I. bot wasn’t aware of the fact that the surest route to dismissal is when the cop fails to appear. [read post]