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30 Jan 2007, 4:12 am
  Or does the political process give us the imperfect competition (and prices) that we want and deserve? [read post]
23 Apr 2010, 7:40 am by Big Tent Democrat
As I have stated repeatedly, though I live and die with the Gators, Tim Tebow does not have the skills to be a good NFL QB. [read post]
2 Jul 2014, 4:00 am by The Public Employment Law Press
Stat., Chapter 20, §2405/3(f ), declaring personal assistants to be "public employees" of the State of Illinois--but "[s]olely for the purposes of coverage under the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act. [read post]
11 Aug 2021, 9:26 am by Ildiko Duckor
The Adviser’s Act performance compensation prohibition applies only to registered investment advisers but does not apply to investment advisers relying on the federal private fund adviser exemption (so called “exempt reporting advisers”). [read post]
18 Apr 2008, 2:05 pm
Every day at least 3 children die due to accidental firearms' deaths. [read post]
21 Jul 2010, 10:14 am by Kim Krawiec
  I’d say that Brett McDonnell is the most positive of the bunch, and does a good job of identifying some rays of hope in the legislation, though I don’t share his optimism about either the benefits of the package as a whole, or the likely ways in which regulators will use their grants of authority (but we’ll have to wait and see what they do in practice to know whether that glass is half-empty or half-full – or even all-empty or all-full). [read post]
1 Jul 2010, 5:47 pm by carie
“The North Carolina Medical Board does, however, continue to take the position that physician participation in capital punishment is a departure from the ethics of the medical profession,” according to the group’s current position statement, which also points to the American Medical Association’s stance.The AMA’s opinion on capital punishment states: “An individual’s opinion on capital punishment is the personal moral decision of the individual. [read post]
29 Dec 2013, 1:40 pm by Stephen Bilkis
The court finds sufficient information for determination of a risk assessment level of 3 to be assigned. [read post]
17 May 2007, 9:23 am
 "But it is circumventing good business practices, and you bet it has resulted in foreclosures.'   What does the industry say? [read post]
14 Mar 2010, 11:24 am
But it does touch on the topic, and in the process it gets the facts all wrong.The author of the story argues that products defect litigation has made cars safer. [read post]
16 Jul 2007, 3:46 am
The former holds that ERISA does not preempt a state law misrepresentation claim when the misrepresentation relates to the benefits provided by ERISA-governed plan. [read post]