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21 Dec 2010, 7:04 am by Nabiha Syed
” Briefly: At Dorf on Law, Michael Dorf expresses concern that “getting to SCOTUS just a little too soon” on the question of same-sex marriage litigation “could do a lot of damage. [read post]
13 Mar 2014, 5:08 am by Amy Howe
” In his column for Verdict, Michael Dorf discusses some of the First Amendment issues currently pending before the Court, while at his Dorf on Law blog he urges the Court to deny review in one of those First Amendment cases:  Elane Photography v. [read post]
6 Aug 2019, 3:50 am by Edith Roberts
” Briefly: At Dorf on Law, Michael Dorf explains why Arizona’s attempt “to sue members of the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma in the US Supreme Court … in the first instance is problematic. [read post]
13 Mar 2012, 8:12 am by Nabiha Syed
At PrawfsBlawg, Michael Mannheimer asks how professors should teach United States v. [read post]
6 Aug 2020, 4:00 am by James Romoser
At Verdict, Michael Dorf argues that recent leaks about the court’s private deliberations reveal nothing important that cannot be inferred from publicly available material. [read post]
16 Apr 2020, 3:57 am by Edith Roberts
” At Dorf on Law, Michael Dorf predicts that “[o]ne technology the justices are unlikely to embrace is live or even recorded video,” because of their “camera-phobia. [read post]
26 Jun 2015, 1:30 pm by Andrew Hamm
Anderson at The Daily Signal, Amy Davidson at The New Yorker, Michael Dorf at Dorf on Law, Garrett Epps at The Atlantic, David French and Charles C.W. [read post]
16 Dec 2015, 4:00 am by Amy Howe
  At Verdict, Michael Dorf looks at whether the state’s “Top Ten Percent Plan,” which is used to admit most of the university’s freshman class, is in fact race-neutral. [read post]
23 Nov 2011, 11:34 am by brian
Last week, a New York Times article by Adam Liptak called attention to an article draft by Harvard Law Professor Richard Fallon in which he worries about the practice of law professors’ filing amicus briefs on their own behalf as scholars. [read post]
12 Mar 2008, 4:48 pm
Michael Dorf posted a brief column on Findlaw, Who Killed the "Living Constitution"? [read post]
19 Apr 2018, 5:19 am by Eugene Volokh
From a post (not by Michael Dorf) on Dorf on Law: Just about everyone is expecting Justice Gorsuch to vote with the conservatives [in Janus v. [read post]
23 Jul 2008, 1:15 am
Michael Heller's new book, The Gridlock Economy, makes a powerful case for the proposition that our economy suffers from "too much ownership. [read post]
20 Mar 2007, 9:20 am
Executive Privilege" (featuring Law Professor Michael C. [read post]
20 Nov 2014, 3:50 am by Amy Howe
” At Verdict, Michael Dorf outlines a scenario in which the four Justices who dissented from the Court’s 2012 decision upholding the individual mandate “could reject the statutory challenge” to the availability of tax subsidies for individuals who purchase their health insurance on exchanges established by the federal government, “but nonetheless vote to invalidate the” ACA in King v. [read post]
23 Mar 2010, 12:32 pm by Michael Ginsborg
On March 25th, constitutional law scholar Michael Dorf will speak on “Same-Sex Marriage, Labels, and Social Meaning. [read post]
10 Jun 2008, 6:18 am
Last year, in a comment to a post by Michael Dorf on 5-4 decisions that might have come out differently if Justice Alito had not replaced Justice O'Connor, and in a post here, I republished a slightly updated list, which is limited to cases decided in O'Connor's final decade on the Court. [read post]
7 Jan 2008, 11:39 pm
I tag Marie Reilly, Nancy Rapoport, Michael Dorf and/or Sherry Colb, and Paul Caron. [read post]