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7 Dec 2009, 11:52 pm
Black) to find a year as rich in juicy free speech cases. [read post]
6 May 2007, 5:45 pm
There is also a Special Alert discussing the impact of KSR v. [read post]
30 May 2007, 3:07 pm
  Other than being the home of the University of Texas Longhorns (a huge rival of my alma matter, the University of Oklahoma), Austin is a great town rich with arts and entertainment and outdoor recreation. [read post]
28 Nov 2008, 2:06 pm
The case is People v. [read post]
12 Feb 2010, 5:30 am by Kevin
Wang was rich enough to be "eccentric," and she was known as "Little Sweetie" from her habit of dressing like a little girl and putting her hair in pigtails, always an appealing look for someone in her 60s. [read post]
5 Jul 2009, 9:59 pm
".A bright, bouncy, dynamic and initiative-rich friend of the IPKat has written to inform him as follows: "I am looking for a role as an IP lawyer. [read post]
15 Jan 2019, 3:14 pm by Richard Hunt
When it comes to the ADA, justice is reserved to the rich. [read post]