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29 May 2018, 3:26 am by Sander van Rijnswou
Therefore, the OD decided that the document was not admitted into the proceedings.II.2.3   Should the Technical Expert announced by the PP be allowed to speak:41              By letter of 13.11.2017, the PP had announced Steven Trybus as a TechnicalExpert to be heard during the oral proceedings and indicated that he was an expert in US law. [read post]
1 Feb 2019, 10:51 am
(Pix © Larry Catá Backer; Tauluseinä Tavelväggen, Wall of Printings (1977); Nörrköping Art Museum Turku Findland))Every year for almost 25 years, the Corporate Practice Commentator (with great thanks to Robert Thompson (Georgetown)) announces the results of its annual poll to select the ten best corporate and securities articles. [read post]
26 May 2016, 6:00 am by Administrator
On March 27, 2014, Conservative MP Steven Fletcher and NDP MP Manon Perreault introduced Bill C-581 to decriminalise physician-assisted death and Bill C-582 to establish an oversight commission on physician-assisted death. [read post]
20 Sep 2009, 4:26 pm
Normal 0 0 1 2970 16934 The University of Chicago 141 33 20796 11.1282 0 0 0 I. [read post]
12 Feb 2024, 3:44 pm by Michael Lowe
According to the USSC: 9% had little or no prior criminal history (Criminal History Category I); 7% were CHC II; 8% were CHC III; 2% were CHC IV; 5% were CHC V; 9% were CHC VI. [read post]
3 Apr 2017, 6:18 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
-Las condiciones de gobernabilidad y la toma de decisiones en el país han sido impermisiblemente socavadas principalmente mediante dos vías: (1) la eliminación burda de las pocas vías de democracia representativa que existían y que fueron unilateralmente sustituidas por una Junta de Supervisión Fiscal compuesta por siete personas no electas que rigen absoluta y autoritariamente todo el futuro y la toma de decisiones que nos afecta a quienes… [read post]
12 Jun 2019, 4:30 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
En esta línea, los profesores de la Universidad de Harvard, Steven Levitsky y Daniel Ziblatt, afirman: “How do elected authoritarians shatter the democratic institutions that are supposed to contain them? [read post]
29 May 2024, 3:52 pm by Reference Staff
For scholarly publications, Rule 10.7.1(d) adds a descriptive parenthetical note for citing cases where an enslaved person was involved, and provides examples like “Wall v. [read post]
7 Aug 2018, 3:39 pm by David Kopel
According to the NRA (American Rifleman, Jan. 1988), the Metzenbaum bill covered many derringers (up to .38 caliber) as well as .22 or .25 caliber handguns from companies including Beretta, Colt, North American Arms, Raven Arms, Rossi, Smith & Wesson, Stevens, and Walther. [read post]
23 Apr 2014, 7:53 am by Rebecca Tushnet
  Steven Dorff (actor who has emphysema). [read post]
23 Sep 2020, 6:30 am by Mark Graber
Steven Skowronek describes a cyclical phenomenon when he observes that the United States experiences reconstructive, affiliated, and disjunctive presidents in regular succession. [read post]
4 May 2011, 4:52 am by Rob Robinson (Robert Trenchard, Steven Berrent) Cease-and-Desist Letter Alone Ruled No Basis for Jurisdiction - (Sheri Qualters) Court Declines to Compel Government to Contribute to Creation of Database to Ease Defendant's Discovery Burden, Recommends Application for Assistance Pursuant to Criminal Justice Act - (K&L Gates) Courts Struggle With Police Searches of Smartphones - (Joshua… [read post]
14 Sep 2011, 6:08 am by Rob Robinson
(Part One) – (eDiscovery Team) A Timely Warning to Employees About Social Media – (Amanda Bronstad) Baglow v Smith – The Increasing Importance of Context in Defamation Claims - (Bob Tarantino) Connecticut Courts Weigh In on Social Media as Evidence – (Marie Grady) D.C. [read post]